How many seconds will it take for a car that is traveling at a constant rate of 45 miles per hour to travel a distance of 22 yards? (1 mile = 1,160 yards)
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
E. 12
这题我无论怎么算都得不出答案是C 我朋友算过也说没有答案,
于是本人假设这题出错了,若把条件改为1mile = 1 760 yard distance of 220 yards 就可以得出答案了.
困惑了好久今天翻出来才意识到....看以前没有人说过,就贴上来献丑了 还请各位指教.......................菜鸟献丑了.....