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[转帖]12/29 一点体会一点JJ



AI: changes and innovations can damage an organization as much as benefit it. (原文大家自己找一下吧)

AA: a fitness magazines frequently sells out at a newsstand. Someone recommends to equip the new fitness center with fitness facilities.


1给小朋友分笔的那道题,要么3支钢笔一支铅笔,要么一支钢笔2支铅笔,已知铅笔average mean,问钢笔average mean


3 x1, x2, x3...分别等于0,1,2,Xn是(3Xn-1+2Xn-2+Xn-3)的average mean,X>=4, 问X5?



RC: 纽约妇女rights under common-law system and civil-law system,这道题以往jj有过

美国saving rate, 说所有政策都是在鼓励home saving,导致公司利润减少,所以投资减少。本月jj里有,刚发现!唉!

CR: 某地前一年因为已有公司增加雇员,大量新办公司成立,就业破纪录。第二年已有公司不会增加雇用人员,所以除非一定数目新公司成立,否则不能破前一年纪录。问assumption


City Official: At laceType>CitylaceType> laceType>HospitallaceType>, uninsured patients tend to have shorter stays and fewer procedures performed than do insured patients, even though insured patients, on average, have slightly less serious medical problems at the time of admission to the hospital than uninsured patients have. Critics of the hospital have concluded that the uninsured patients are mot receiving proper medical care. However, this conclusion is almost certainly false. Careful investigation has recently shown two things: insured patients have much longer stays in the hospital than necessary, and they tend to have more procedures performed than are medically necessary.

In the city official’s argument, the two boldface portions play which of the following roles?

  1. The first states the conclusion of the city official’s argument; the second provides support for that conclusion.
  2. The first is used to support the conclusion of the city official’s argument; the second states that conclusion.
  3. The first was used to support the conclusion drawn by hospital critics; the second states the position that the city official’s argument opposes.
  4. The first was used to support the conclusion drawn by hospital critics; the second provides support for the conclusion of the city official’s argument.
  5. The first states the position that the city official’s argument opposes; the second states the conclusion of the city official’s argument.


SC: education beyond the secondary school for women was reserved for only a few.

一个革命性的过渡between ...fish and fish, a fish(同位语), which...., has

我遇到很多SC,大多都很长。但考点基本上就是原来的那些。有些题不光要分析考点还要分析句意,因为不止一个选项是grammatically correct


一切美好只是昨日沉醉 /淡淡苦涩才是今天滋味 /想想明天又是日晒风吹/ 再苦再累无惧无畏 身上的痛让我难以入睡/ 脚下的路还有更多的累/ 追逐梦想总是百转千回 /无怨无悔从容面对 思绪飘飞带着梦想去追/ 我行我素做人要敢作敢为 /人生苦短哪能半途而废 /不气不馁无惧无畏 ......

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