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5月14号 下午3点30分 地点:成都领事馆 vo:金发MM

Me:nice to meet you (smile)

Vo: nice to meet you too (smile)

Vo: so why do you choose this university?

Me: because kellstadt graduate school of business is a very good business school in the United States. The professors there emphasize the combination between theory and practice which I think is important in finance.

Vo: yes, that is ture . what will you do after your study?

Me: After my graduation, I would like to return to China. I plan to work in the famous banks or investment companies as an investment consultant,

Vo: ok , show me your parents’ income certificate.

Me: ok ,would you like to see my certificate of deposit ? (因为我觉得我爸妈滴收入证明有点简单,就写了月收入加奖金大约多少,所以想主动拿存款证明补充下,呵呵)

Vo: ok (正要都塞给她) income certificate first (看了一下) then certificate of deposit .(看了一下,还给我了,big smile  balabalabala~ 看她扯白条了就开始兴奋便没听清她在说啥子) enjoy your time at united states

Me: oh ,~~thank you very much and have a good day。。

金发MM人很nice,一直在微笑,签证的时候可以在等的时候注意听下签证官问其他同学的问题,我发现她今天问了好几个同学 why this university 和 after study 所以就当下自己练习回答了下,果然也问到了我。。。我的签证经过就是这些啦~~ 和我一起的两个同学也都过了,今年形势还是挺好的,祝大家全都1000大水过!!

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