(Because there is no Wubi in my computer, I typed so slowly using PINYIN.It makes me crazy)
北美12.23, 720(M50;V37)
VERBAL一上来就是一个几乎全化线的SC,又一道,接着一篇RC,又两个SC, 又一篇RC,后来才有CR,但是考得不多,相对SC较多,一到BOLDFACE.后
来老是一道SC,一道CR,这样交叉考.完全凭感觉做.最后剩下两分多钟,两道题,太紧张,最后一到SC没来及CONFIRM, 很遗憾.
38.The following appeared in the editorial section of a campus newspaper.
“Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing units, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off-campus, housing officials should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.”【本月频率1,上月频率2】
100. “A nation must maintain a highly competitive educational system — a system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries — to ensure its own economic success.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.【本月频率2,上月频率1
1.12math Jj
117. 某城市45岁到60岁的人数从去年的47million上升到61million,18岁-25岁的人数从26million 下降到25million , 问变化比例之比。 (14/47)/(1/26)约等于8:1
280.同38. 桥长4224feet,问如果要在12分钟内通过桥,速度需要多少mile每小时?(1mile=5280feet) 答案:4
My 37
1、两个质数的和(我的是三个PRIME的积, 但这不重要,无关答案)
5、两个质数的积(好象只是"PRODUCT OF PRIME)
319. 一个东西里面tread的部分是40%, 用完后tread部分损耗了50%, 其他成分没有损耗。问剩下的部分tread占的比例。
284.我的最后一道题,H和B分别有红球和蓝球,红球和蓝球的质量不一样,如果H的红球的重量(数量?)少10% 那么他们两个的球的重量(数量)就一样。还有什么说了一大堆,但是都没有给出具体的数字,计算的也是比例,忘了,后人补充吧。我记得答案有24%,27%,30%。当时设了很多未知数,列式子,应该能算出来。没时间了,猜了30%。(Yes, easy to get30%)
1. a<b, ask if a<0?
A. a2<ab
B. b<0
2. A,B同时从哪到哪,问A比B是否提前到达目的地?
1)Distance 都是 A比B 多30 miles
(It seems I saw this somewhere, forgot)
Some construction project, cost only include labor and materials, ask If profit is greater than 15000?
A. Total cost is 3 times of material cost
B.Total price is 50000.
XY轴,圆心在Origin, 问圆面积?
1) x-y 能被3整除
2) x-2y 能被3整除
23679x(1012-1011)/1013(次幂),问PRODUCT的个位是几? 5
2. RC are ALL JJ's
我的第1篇RC是:about service and Non service firms,why severcie firms seldom use MC(because intangible, hard to communication with customers); However, some recent rearch shows it benefits the service firms also; Please refer to 12JJ, it is detailed.
RC 2: 1500CD women occupation status. It mentioned several points of some rearchers, but the author all disgree with them.
RC 3: Business location.
Q1. the author'viewpoint will be differ from the common tradition one in?
Q2. Why author mention XX(foget), but it need back to the end of the first paragraph, it is about old viewpoint
Rc 4: Some"E" functioned in the brain,nutrition, blood vessel,influent the effect of drug....
12月JJ 真的狠详细,and correct.
GWD-1-Q17 骨头制作的考古音阶乐器[X4
One roof material can save produce electrcity for family use , but compare with buying eletricty from company, it cost much. So, it has no good prospective. Ask the author fail to condiser ?
I also have the following two CR
38.博物馆发现他们原来以为产于多少年前的gold bar是假的,虽然它是纯金的,但是没有historical value。这个博物馆很穷,但是很多专家建议它不要卖了这个bar以专区经济利润。问support。 [ANS:因为这个bar的成分可以帮助鉴定相似冒牌货]
39.去年高速公路限速提高了10,导致这段公路上去年的车祸率上升了3%。结论:提高限速导致车祸率上升,问weaken [ANS:因为限速提高,一些司机原来不走highway的开始走highway]
1.The story of ..., S' ww, ....(Parallell, should select SOMEONE'W W, Name of the story )
2.The wild populatin of elephant is down to 45.., ....that United Stated adopted some measures...
a.The wild populatin of elephant is down to 45.,(clearly wrong.... so ..)
b.The wild populatin of elephant is down to 45.., I select, B oR C
c.The wild populatin of elephant is down to 45..,
d.With the population of ..., sepecies has
e..With the population of ...Species has..xx.
3.Farmers of Janpan Planted sth.During 30's, ,... orginally .... acctually ...
I select: During 30's, farmers of japan planted sth, orginally promised...acctually ... had, (考伴随和并列从句的时态)
4,Some bird...; human beiing,(做了坏事,结果....)
a. Less than 30 birds....
b. Less than 30 birds
c. U...
D.Fewer than 30 birds
E. Fewer than 30 birds..., all living....(I select this one) |