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Ellen told the child not to cry,but he could not inhibit his tears。

  Expelled from the university because of poor grades,the student applied for readmission the following term。

  Gregg’s low mark in the midterm impelled him to study harder for the final。

  Irma ws so enervated by the broiling sun that she nearly fainted。

  The accused is not the only guilty party;two others are implicated。

  The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report.No one was impuging his honesty。

  On July 14,1789,the people of Paris freed the prisoners incarcerated in the Bastille。

  The name of the winner will be inscribed on the medal。

  Steinmetz’s discoveries in the field of electricity made him one of the eminent scientists of the twentieth century。

  At the first flash of lightning,the beach crowd scurried for shelfter from the imminent storm。

  An exclusive club does not readily accept newcomers。

  Before the game,each team had exclusive use of the field for a ten-minute practice period。

  The film will be shown from August 22 to 24,inclusive,for a total of three days。


  Why don’t you join an extracurricular activity,such as a club,the school newspaper,or a team?

  You said you would stick to the topic,but you keep introducing extraneous issues。

  Reliable salesmen do not make extravagant claims for their product。


In a few months,the extravagant heir spent the fortune of a lifetime。

  The intramural program,in which one class competes with another,gives you a greater chance to participate than the interscholastic program between teams of competing schools。

  The Democrats are trying to heal intraparty strife so as to present a united front in the coming election。

  Commerce between the states is regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission,but intrastate commerce is supervised by the states themselves。

  Patients are nourished by intravenous feeding when too ill to take food by mouth。


  Are you on the pro or con side of this argument?

  Before taking an important step,crefully study the pros and ons of the matter。

  Customs officials examined the luggage of the suspected smuggler but found no contraband。

  American controversy with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory nearly led to war。

  By invading the neutral nation,the dictator contravened his earlier pledge to guarantee its independence。

  The monitor ordered the student to go to the end of the line,but the teacher countermanded the order。

  The student’s plan to drop out of school ran counter to his parents’ wishes。

  The suspects’ fingerprints on the safe were considered incontrovertible evidence that he had participated in the robbery。


  Between World War II and the Korean War,there was a five year interlude of peace。

  For his role as intermediary in helping to end the Russo-Japanese War,theodore Roosevelt won the Novel Peace Prize。

  During the intermission between the first and second acts,you will have a chance to purchase refreshments。

  My brother would have lost the argument if Dad hadn’t interceded for him。

  We gained possession of the ball when Russ intercepted a forward pass。

  Broadway intersects Seventh Avenue at Time Square。

  The summer vacation intervenes the close of one school year and the beginning of the next。

  Let the boys settle the dispute by themselves;don’t intervene。

  It is difficult to make interlinear notes if the space between the lines is very small。

  The only way to get to the next town is by automobile or taxi;there is no interurban bus。



  As a result of stricter enforcement,speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity。

  Alice refused to let me see her notes,despite the fact that I have always lent her mine.did you ever hear of such ingratitude?

  I could read most of the signatures,but a few were illegible。

  The new nation undertook to teach its illiterate citizens to read and write。

  It is illogical to vote for a candidate whom you have no faith in。

  Nearly every soap manufacturer claims his product will make dirty linens immaculate。

  Don’t use such baby talk! People will think you are mentally immature。

  For most of the year,the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible,except by air。

  It is almost impossible to cross our street during the rush hour because of the incessant flow of traffic。

  No compromiss is possible when both sides remain inflexible。

  When the visitors come to our school,we should make them feel at home;otherwise they will think we are。



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