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GMATPrep 1 才得了650,但感觉pace没掌握好,被难题绊住了,没有及时脱身。GMATPrep 2 就尽量控制节奏,对难题不纠缠,得到720。但最终考试的分数还是略微出乎自己意料的。


1. DS: r and s are ingeters (or something like that). Is r/s a terminating decimal?
  a. 1/r is terminating decimal;
  b. 1/s is terminating decimal.
I chose b. To be a terminating decimal, the denominator must be either 2^n or 5^n. Value of numerator can be any integers.

2. PS: a parallelogram ABCD with four sides in equal length. BC is the diagonal, BCD=130. What's the angleof ABD? (There's a graph, numbers in choices are not 100% accurate)
  a. 25
  b. 30
  c. 50
  d. 45
  e. Can't be determined.
I chose a. Angle ABD should equal to angle ADB.

3. PS: Certain password has 4 digits. Each digit is either from a letter from A to Z, or from number 0-9. Letters or numbers can be repeated. How many possible passwords?
I don't remember all choices. I chose 36^4. It's quite straightforward.

4. PS: a laundry/clothes hamper is a cuboid with half of cylinder on each side (篮子的形状是一个长方体的两侧分别加上半个圆柱体). Height is 3 fee, width of cuboid is 2 feet, diameter of half cylinder is 1 feet. Calculate the volumn. (原题叙述不一样,这个版本基本是我的翻译,希望我的理解正确。如果遇到此题要小心读题。原体有图,但图形很抽象,我看了半天也没看懂,还是读题读懂的。)
I chose 6+3pi/4

1. The argument was about a paragraph from a restaurant business newsletter about small franchise restaurants. A small restaurant owner, George, opened a pita restaurant in a college town Sallon. His restaurant has been quite successful for the last 2 years. So he decided to open another 3 restaurants in nearby cities and towns. He also plans to promote his 3 employees who have been trained under him to be the managers of the new restaurants. He expects his profits will trip after all restaurants are opened.

2. Portrayals of violence have proved commercially successful with tv programs, movies, songs, and other forms of entertainment products. Therefore, those who produce those should continue to incorporate violence into their products.

RC1: article about geographic features on Venus. There are many craters caused by meteors impact on moon and other planets, so there should be a lot on Venus. But that's not the case. Scientists have proposed many theroies, but each of them has certain problems. There are 2 theories presented in the article.

RC2: about sociopsychology of customer purchasing decision making. More options for customers doesn't necessarily mean that customers will buy more. Actually studies have shown they may buy less. But there's a fix: provide customers with "preferences" or "guidelines" (not exact words but something close). So customers usually choose the first one that meet their preference, rather than going through all options available.

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