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看看了,无论NN还是XDF都把阅读归为 四种套路,1,问题解决,2新老对比 3 现象解释 4 结论解释(人物,传记特殊套路) 。

难道OG里的文章都可以归纳为上述四种套路吗?可是我自己感觉好像OG里有些文章不属于此套路,比如 OG10 版的 第12, 17, 21,31篇 。请NN帮忙解惑下,是我的归纳能力不够还是的确存在类似以上不属于4种套路的结构。 如果有不属于上述套路的,一般怎么对待了? (对应的第12,17,21,31篇在楼下给出)



the exploper uses the models to identify those geological features that are critical to the formation of the minerailization being modeled, and then to select areas for exlpration that exhibit as many of the critical features as possible.

 划线部分这里 我经常读过去后不能第一时间意识到 That exhibits as many of the critial feature as possible 是修饰areas的,而是本能的认为 它是修饰 exhibit 的。请问NN改怎么训练能达到第一时间反应的程度?


in recent studies, however , we have discoverd that the production and release in brain neuron of the neuurotransmitter serotonin depend directly on the food that the body processes.

这里的划线部分同样是没能马上意识到 of 应该是修饰 release 的,而不是neuron .已经读了很多遍这种句子了,也专门把这类句子集中了起来训练,可是效果还不明显,基本是第一遍读过去没发现,觉得别扭回看的时候才能意识到,可是回头看是阅读的一个忌讳,请问有此类困扰的XDJM你们怎么成功解决的了?


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Passage 12

All of the cells in a particular plant start out with the

same complement of genes. How then can these cells

differentiate and form structures as different as roots,

stems, leaves, and fruits? The answer is that only a

(5) small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell are

expressed, or turned on, at a given time. This is accom-

plished by a complex system of chemical messengers

that in plants include hormones and other regulatory

molecules. Five major hormones have been identified:

(10) auxin, abscisic acid, cytokinin, ethylene, and gibberel-

lin. Studies of plants have now identified a new class of

regulatory molecules called oligosaccharins.

Unlike the oligosaccharins, the five well-known plant

hormones are pleiotropic rather than specific, that is,

(15) each has more than one effect on the growth and devel-

opment of plants. The five has so many simultaneous

effects that they are not very useful in artificially

controlling the growth of crops. Auxin, for instance,

stimulates the rate of cell elongation, causes shoots to

(20) grow up and roots to grow down, and inhibits the

growth of lateral shoots. Auxin also causes the plant to

develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots, and to

produce ethylene.

The pleiotropy of the five well-studied plant

(25) hormones is somewhat analogous to that of certain

hormones in animal. For example, hormones from the

hypothalamus in the brain stimulate the anterior lobe

of the pituitary gland to synthesize and release many

different hormones, one of which stimulates the release

(30) of hormones from the adrenal cortex. These hormones

have specific effects on target organs all over the body.

One hormone stimulates the thyroid gland, for

example, another the ovarian follicle cells, and so forth.

In other words, there is a hierarchy of hormones.

(35) Such a hierarchy may also exist in plants. Oligosac-

charins are fragments of the cell wall released by

enzymes: different enzymes release different oligosac-

charins. There are indications that pleiotropic plant

hormones may actually function by activating the

(40) enzymes that release these other, more specific chemical

messengers from the cell wall.



问下这篇属于4种结构种的哪种结构了?感觉都不是,  第一段 文章中心句 How then can these cells  differentiate and form structures as different as roots, stems, leaves, and fruits? The answer is that only a  small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell are expressed, or turned on, at a given time  第二段 描述 five harmony , 第三段,five well-studied plant hormones is analogeus to that of hormaones in animal. 第四段 such a hierarchy may exist in plants ,读完后感觉不出有明显结构。

问下这篇属于4种结构种的哪种结构了?感觉都不是,  第一段 文章中心句 How then can these cells  differentiate and form structures as different as roots, stems, leaves, and fruits? The answer is that only a  small subset of the genes in a particular kind of cell are expressed, or turned on, at a given time  第二段 描述 five harmony , 第三段,five well-studied plant hormones is analogeus to that of hormaones in animal. 第四段 such a hierarchy may exist in plants ,读完后感觉不出有明显结构。


Passage 17

Australian researchers have discovered electroreceptors

(sensory organs designed to respond to electrical fields)

clustered at the tip of the spiny anteater’s snout. The

researchers made this discovery by exposing small areas of

(5) the snout to extremely weak electrical fields and recording

the transmission of resulting nervous activity to the brain.

While it is true that tactile receptors, another kind of

sensory organ on the anteater’s snout, can also respond to

electrical stimuli, such receptors do so only in response to

( 10) electrical field strengths about 1,000 times greater than

those known to excite electroreceptors.

Having discovered the electroreceptors, researchers are

now investigating how anteaters utilize such a sophisticated

sensory system. In one behavioral experiment, researchers

(15) successfully trained an anteater to distinguish between

two troughs of water, one with a weak electrical field

and the other with none. Such evidence is consistent with

researchers’ hypothesis that anteaters use electroreceptors

to detect electrical signals given off by prey; however,

( 20) researchers as yet have been unable to detect electrical

signals emanating from termite mounds, where the favorite

food of anteaters live. Still, researchers have observed

anteaters breaking into a nest of ants at an oblique angle

and quickly locating nesting chambers. This ability quickly

(25)to locate unseen prey suggests, according to the researchers, that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors

to locate the nesting chambers.



Passage 21

Two modes of argumentation have been used on

behalf of women’s emancipation in Western societies.

Arguments in what could be called the “relational”

feminist tradition maintain the doctrine of “equality in

(5) difference,” or equity as distinct for equality. They

posit that biological distinctions between the sexes

result in a necessary sexual division of labor in the

family and throughout society and that women’s pro-

creative labor is currently undervalued by society, to

(10) the disadvantage of women. By contrast, the individual-

ist feminist tradition emphasizes individual human rights

and celebrates women’s quest for personal autonomy,

while downplaying the importance of gender roles and

minimizing discussion of childbearing and its attendant

(15) responsibilities.

Before the late nineteenth century, these views

coexisted within the feminist movement, often within

the writings of the same individual. Between 1890 nd

1920, however, relational feminism, which had been the

(20) dominant strain in feminist thought, and which still pre-

dominates among European and non-Western feminists,

lost ground in England and the United States. Because

the concept of individual rights was already well estab-

lished in the Anglo-Saxon legal and political tradition,

(25) individualist feminism came to predominate in English-

speaking countries. At the same time, the goals of the

two approaches began to seem increasingly irreconcil-

able. Individualist feminists began to advocate a totally

gender-blind system with equal rights for all. Relational


(30) feminists, while agreeing that equal educational and

economic opportunities outside the home should be avail-

able for all women, continued to emphasize women’s

special contributions to society as homemakers and

mothers; they demanded special treatment

(35) including protective legislation for women workers,

state-sponsored maternity benefits, and paid compensa-

tion for housework.

Relational arguments have a major pitfall: because

they underline women’s physiological and psychological

(40) distinctiveness, they are often appropriated by political

adversaries and used to endorse male privilege. But the

individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, deny-

ing the significance of physiological difference, and

condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly

(45) patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the

family roles important to many women. If the individu-

alist framework, with its claim for women’s autonomy,

could be harmonized with the family-oriented concerns

of relational feminists, a more fruitful model for con-

(50) temporary feminist politics could emerge.


Passage 31

Historians of women’s labor in the United States at first

largely disregarded the story of female service workers

-women earning wages in occupations such as salesclerk.

domestic servant, and office secretary. These historians

(5) focused instead on factory work, primarily because it

seemed so different from traditional, unpaid “women’s

work” in the home, and because the underlying economic

forces of industrialism were presumed to be gender-blind

and hence emancipatory in effect. Unfortunately, emanci-


(10) pation has been less profound than expected, for not even

industrial wage labor has escaped continued sex segre-

gation in the workplace.

To explain this unfinished revolution in the status of

women, historians have recently begun to emphasize the

( 15) way a prevailing definition of femininity often etermines

the kinds of work allocated to women, even when such

allocation is inappropriate to new conditions. For instance,

early textile-mill entrepreneurs, in justifying women’s

employment in wage labor, made much of the assumption

(20) that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and

patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners

thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereo-

types associated with the homemaking activities they

presumed to have been the purview of women. Because

(25)women accepted the more unattractive new industrial tasks

more readily than did men, such jobs came to be regarded

as female jobs.And employers, who assumed that women’s

“real” aspirations were for marriage and family life.

declined to pay women wages commensurate with those of

(30) men. Thus many lower-skilled, lower-paid, less secure jobs

came to be perceived as “female.”

More remarkable than the origin has been the persistence

of such sex segregation in twentieth-century industry. Once

an occupation came to be perceived as “female.” employers

(35) showed surprisingly little interest in changing that percep-

-tion, even when higher profits beckoned. And despite the

urgent need of the United States during the Second World War

to mobilize its human resources fully, job segregation by sex

characterized even the most important

(40) war industries. Moreover, once the war ended, employers

quickly returned to men most of the “male” jobs that

women had been permitted to master.



Passage 34

Coral reefs are one of the most fragile, biologically

complex, and diverse marine ecosystem on Earth. This

ecosystem is one of the fascinating paradoxes of the bio-

sphere: how do clear, and thus nutrient-poor, waters sup-

(5) port such prolific and productive communities? Part of the

answer lies within the tissues of the corals themselves.

Symbiotic cells of algae known as zooxanthellae carry out

photosynthesis using the metabolic wastes of the coral

thereby producing food for themselves, for their corals,

(10) hosts, and even for other members of the reef community.

This symbiotic process allows organisms in the reef com-

munity to use sparse nutrient resources efficiently.

Unfortunately for coral reefs, however, a variety of

human activities are causing worldwide degradation of


(15) shallow marine habitats by adding nutrients to the (water.

Agriculture, slash-and-burn land clearing, sewage disposal

and manufacturing that creates waste by-products all

increase nutrient loads in these waters. Typical symptoms

of reef decline are destabilized herbivore populations and

(20)an increasing abundance of algae and filter-feeding


Declines in reef communities are consistent with observa-

tions that nutrient input is increasing in direct proportion to

growing human populations, thereby threatening reef com-

(25) munities sensitive to subtle changes in nutrient input to

their waters.


这个明显 第一段和第二段完全没关系,属于4个种的哪种结构了?记得小安说过读完一段可以对下面的结构进行预测,可是从这篇来看,完全不太可能预测出



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