Just came back from GMAT test. Q51V44 Total 770.
AA: (the title was written based on my memory. The main point is correct)
Average house price doubled in last five years, while average stock market price declined. So ALL residnet should buy house because the house price is predicted to increase in a similar trend in next five years. Furthermore, house owner can enjoy the use of house, while the people who invest in the stock can't.
Providing health care for al the citizens should be the fundamental responsibility of the government.
Question: I finished the writing. However, the session ended while I was checking the errors. I didn't have time to click" NEXT". I was worrried whether f the essay was saved
Q: JJ 18, , 84, 93, 100, 106, 128, 135, 143,
171, it gives the condition that k, m, q are positive integers.
189: questions: 2^(8x+3)-y divided by 5, the remainder?
1. y=1
2. X=3
222, 234, 239, 240,
262: Be careful: the old JJ said B: f(x)=1/x. In my test, B: f(x)=2/x. THe correct answer should be f(x)=X^(1/2)
by simply shuffling your legs as you are walking in the water, all stingrays will do their best to get the way to go.
A, by simply shuffling your legs as you are walking in the water, all stingrays will do
B, while simply shuffling your legs, bla bla
C, with simply shuffling your legs ... bla bla
D, if you simply shuffling your legs .....
E, simply shuffling your legs as you are walking in the water, all stingrays wll try
Because fish look through water, their eyes are very different from a mammal. A. from a mammal B. from a mammal's C. from that of a mammal D. than that of a mammal E. than is a mammal's
Researchers hypothesize that granite soil is the ideal construction material for the desert tortoise because it is not so hard that it makes burrowing difficult or so soft that it could cause tunnels to collaps. (Ans: A)
ANS: 选项好像有说即使没有kinship的关系下,也是鸟的营养富足程度决定谁去当哨兵,还有什么哨兵一半和许多鸟都有kinship,还有哨兵一般都是(不是)最aggressive(我好像选了这个。。。,很不靠谱)
另一牛人版:鸟类社会中有分工,有的鸟觅食,有的鸟放哨。当有天敌入侵的时候,哨兵鸟会拉报警。原来以为这些哨兵鸟是无私的,但是现在发现不是这样,因为哨兵鸟可以在第一时间逃亡。所以否定了这个哨兵鸟的存在体现了selflessness based on kinship。问以下哪个加强结论。
ANS: 哨兵鸟的选择是依据鸟个体的营养状况来的(言下之意是和Kinship没有任何关系)。
People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts’ conclusion? 支持
A. A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.
B. A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets
C. The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small.
D. Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animals kept in zoos.
E. Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care.
ANS: ARTIST不愿意将自己的作品摆放在没有足够free的博物馆。。
1. American African research
2. Online marketing strategy
3.Red and Green List
4. Consumer choice: Jam |