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国际学生已经满了,现在寄的应该不会再考虑了,我是12.8号寄的,也不审了...) u( _+ E% I& P) h4 _4 b
# s& l+ U. o+ J; g- q3 h
# \7 D9 v4 P: w; ^( l0 h7 b( q# [0 v7 `, M) |
已经打电话给它的intelnational admission office 确认过了...
2 K0 j6 y  g! h: |7 S3 a) k6 O8 u6 i5 D# u7 G1 F
另外附上letter一封:; g6 ?3 Y* e- k1 b; s  U

  q5 I) P1 F1 z2 D. @; I# XThank you for your application and interest in the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Unfortunately, we cannot process your application for the upcoming term.
: E) s0 r# |! y6 oWe have recently experienced an unprecedented increase in international applications. Because of the high number we have already received, we can no longer process additional international applications.' H& q, g2 u7 F
If you submitted the $44 application fee by credit card, you will receive a refund. If you submitted the application fee via check or money order, your original check or money order will be sent via airmail.% O% a* \6 A* A4 k- K6 {& j3 D6 U  j
We encourage you to consider applying to one of the other thirteen University of Wisconsin institutions, located throughout the State of Wisconsin. All University of Wisconsin institutions provide a quality educational experience and unique areas of study. For information on universities and colleges in the University of Wisconsin System, please contact the UW Higher Education Location Program (HELP) at:
0 Z! o0 A. _' F. S) Z9 XE-Mail: uwhelp@learn.uwsa.edu
* j# @9 Q7 I1 nTelephone:1-608-263-4567
0 R/ ~9 q- ^, f" t' c5 bWeb: uwhelp.wisconsin.edu

: f, \  k0 ]8 q* ^Again, we thank you for your interest and encourage you to consider applying to another University of Wisconsin institution. We wish you the very best in your academic career.
7 f/ R' y9 l: C' Z ) a2 [+ _# k5 c7 x
University of Wisconsin-Madison & _, B+ O4 P( q9 h' M; t5 _
Office of Admissions ) D8 b1 q8 R/ z+ S% N  S
716 Langdon Street $ r, E/ G4 w' b! D, L7 e
Madison, WI 53706-1481 6
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