1.1/x^2 +1/x =5, ask for 1/x^4 + 1/x^2
2. gross profit = 25% sales price, how much increase need to make to make the gross profit = 1/3 of new sales price.
3. tank is leaking, at 0.64 ounce/per min. asking before leaking is the tank is great than 30 gallon of water: (1 gallon -= 128 ounce)
a. less than 12 hours, the tank no water
b. 忘了
3。 10人餐桌选4 人
4。 平行四边形的求角度(a.y=2x b. y+z = 120 )
5。 r^aS^b 那题,(a+b even, ab even)
6. An=2 An-1 - X, A5=99, A3=47, 问x,
reading: gwd 水法,第一题相同,后面不同
某种鸟会模拟声音, 不知道以前机井有否
妇女的工作, 钱多了,但是只是对高教育者有利,不利于那些低教育的,so income gap shrink is due to the womean income crease and decrease of man (because the crowdness of people into industry sqezee them out from industry to service area).
question: 1. main idea 2. what is the status of woman if woman is high school and man from industry to service area ( key answer: woman increase slightly a litter while man decrease
gwd 的一篇,一摸一样的。 gwd 3. 12-15
logic: small shopping center fish . question changed : ask why small shopping center still just as profitable if they sell less price
grammar: jj. historian 。。。 woman.... to have been believed .....
jj. cattle,.. chose ( which are fed)
jj. lead / led ( led : past tense of lead?) |