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The new school of political history that emerged in the 1960’s and 1970’s sought to go beyond the traditional focus of political historians on leaders and government institutions by examining directly the political practices of ordinary citizens. Like the old approach, however, this new approach excluded women. The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United State – quantitative analyses of election returns, for example – were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920.

By redefining “political activity,” historian Paula Baker has developed a political history that includes women. She concludes that among ordinary citizens, political activism by women in the nineteenth century prefigured trends in twentieth-century politics. Defining “politics” as “any action taken to affect the course of behavior of government or of the community,” Baker concludes that, while voting and holding office were restricted to men, women in the nineteenth century organized themselves into societies committed to social issues such as temperance and poverty. In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election. In the twentieth century, more men drew closer to women’s ideas about politics and took up modes of issue-oriented politics that Baker sees women as having pioneered.

134. According to the passage, Paula Baker and the new political historians of the 1960’s and 1970’s shared which of the following?

(A) A commitment to interest-group politics

(B) A idsregard for politica ltheory and ideology

(C) An interest in the ways in which nineteenth-century politics prefigured contemporary politics

(D) A reliance on such quatitiative techniques as the analysis of election returns

(E) An emplasis on the political involvement of ordinary citizens

OG的解释:Choice A is incorrect because the passage implies that the new historians failed to

examine interest groups. 这句在原文中的对应应该是第一句中的by examining directly the political practices of ordinary citizens 吧?但是我觉得这句并没有implies that the new historians failed to examine interest groups,而且我觉得也没有failed 的意思,还有,interest groups指的是什么?

另外,OG解释中还说:Because the second paragraph emphasizes that Baker did not rely primarily on quantitative techniques such as the analysis of election returns, D is incorrect. 这句解释是不是指第二段中的In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election.和第一段中的第三句The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United State – quantitative analyses of election returns, for example – were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920.对应?(我是指两个黑体部分相对应)还有,election returns是什么意思?

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1、The best answer is E. 这句没什么,除了best/correct是否有区别尚需进一步确认。

2、The first sentence of the passage states that the new historians of the 1960’s and 1970’s examined the political practices of ordinary citizens, and the second paragraph recounts how Baker extended this examination to include the political activities of ordinary women. 说明了段落层次段落主要内容段落间关系

3、Choice A is incorrect because the passage implies that the new historians failed to examine interest groups

Choice A is incorrect because the passage implies that the new historians failed to examine interest groups. 这句在原文中的对应应该是第一句中的by examining directly the political practices of ordinary citizens 吧?但是我觉得这句并没有implies that the new historians failed to examine interest groups,而且我觉得也没有failed 的意思,还有,interest groups指的是什么?
与文中暗示意思相反。这里关于楼主的问题,我觉得,interest groups(利益集团)和普通公民这两者之间存在相对立的关系。从第一句,我们知道,新政治历史学派直接examine(认真审查)普通公民的政治活动,这暗示了,“新政治历史学派没有commitment to(专注于),或者说没有examine(认真研究)利益集团”。研究利益集团,即那些leaders and government institutions,恰恰是旧有的政治历史学派的方法,与新的方法成对比关系,是被新方法所抛弃的方法。当然,我觉得,我们不能从逻辑上严格推出“新政治历史学派一定没有examine(认真研究)利益集团”这个结论,因为文章中没有百分百地明示,但从文章中的go beyond the traditional focus … by examining…的论述可以大致推测出“新政治历史学派没有examine(认真研究)利益集团”。

4、The passage does not provide information to support B.

5、Choice C can be eliminated because only Baker is described as displaying an interest in a way in which nineteenth-century politics prefigured contemporary politics. 一方有,另一方无,即部分正确的选项不是答案

6、Because the second paragraph emphasizes that Baker did not rely primarily on quantitative techniques such as the analysis of election returns, D is incorrect.

另外,OG解释中还说:Because the second paragraph emphasizes that Baker did not rely primarily on quantitative techniques such as the analysis of election returns, D is incorrect. 这句解释是不是指第二段中的In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election.和第一段中的第三句The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United State – quantitative analyses of election returns, for example – were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920.对应?(我是指两个黑体部分相对应)还有,election returns是什么意思?

另外,OG解释中还说:Because the second paragraph emphasizes that Baker did not rely primarily on quantitative techniques such as the analysis of election returns, D is incorrect. 这句解释是不是指第二段中的In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election.和第一段中的第三句The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United State – quantitative analyses of election returns, for example – were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920.对应?(我是指两个黑体部分相对应)还有,election returns是什么意思?
我觉得ETS是说:PB之前的新政治历史研究确实是符合D选项的,那就看看PB的方法是否符合。PB的方法是在第2段中阐述的,所以看第2段。第2段中Baker concludes that, while voting and holding office were restricted to men women in the nineteenth century organized themselves into societies committed to social issues such as temperance and poverty这句话及楼主所说的In other words, Baker contends, women activists were early practitioners of nonpartisan, issue-oriented politics and thus were more interested in enlisting lawmakers, regardless of their party affiliation, on behalf of certain issues than in ensuring that one party or another won an election这些论述都说明,PB的关注点,主要不是针对选举和执政这些问题的,而是其他一些妇女能参与的问题,正因为妇女不能参加选举,用以分析选举问题的量化办法,自然也就不会成为PB的主要关注了。这里ETS告诉我们要总结提炼段落含义。而第一段最后一句中的were useless in analyzing the political activities of women也辅助验证了PB的方法不符合D选项内容,这是容易看到的。其中的election returns((猜测可能是指选举反馈情况)是一种mass political behavior,而二段中的one party or another won an election应是指一种利益集团的行为吧,两者可能不是同样范畴的事。







请问第一段最后的这句话的最后一句什么意思。The very techniques these historians used to uncover mass political behavior in the nineteenth-century United State – quantitative analyses of election returns, for example – were useless in analyzing the political activities of women, who were denied the vote until 1920.

是说直到1920,女性才能vote么?那么1960是女性可以vote,那么techniques were useless in women,这时候的women是有选举权的women,那么132题选D 是为什么?谢谢。



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