1.At the turn of the twentieth century, forest covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them domesticated and performing various essential tasks. A. covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them B. covering as much as 90 percent of Thailand accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, and a third of them were C. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as much as 300,000 elephants, with a third D. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodated as many as 300,000 elephants, a third of them ... E. covered as much as 90 percent of Thailand and accommodating as many as 300,000 elephants, with a third of them 答案
2.GWD原题,25早些时候一个CDer JJ里的一样,说assume that... and that +完整句,学生的那道 3.One of the +次那个容词+images that ....from...后面没看到在有动词 B portray...as C portray...后面好像不对 D is of...好像 这题B是固定用法,但应该用单数,我回来选的好像d
4. we+完整句,
we +完整句, and we +完整句. 其他选项不记得了,但我选的这个 5.主语+Either.+动词..or+动词,
很简单对称 6、like和as的用法 7、it、they的代词指代各考了一题
注意有变体。。。 1.30-60个小孩的题 (1)少一个正好分5组,(2)少两个正好分4组,4和5不知道是否反了,反正我算得是20k-3, k=2,3时分别为37和57,选的E 还有镜子的题;记不住了,反正大家数学都比我强,不用担心
最后注大家考试顺利,失败的不要气馁,坚持就是胜利,我上大学的时候六级考不过,所以开始考这个试真是觉得力不从心,看啥啥不明白。不过我坚持一个月考了一次,一次580-二次640-三次710最后坚持下来了整整3个月,硬生生把自己拉上了700。虽然不能和牛牛比,但我知足了,不再考了!觉得考这个试要集中火力,不集中火力会走下坡路,我指的是我这样基础差,离开学校时间长的(十几年了)。牛牛两个礼拜,一个月考750的不能比 。 |