AWA AA: 105. The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.” AI: 34. “All citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. Such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. Math:(遇到不少JJ,僅補充自己於JJ未見過的) 1. PS:x及y positive, x+y=1 問100x + 200y可能的值 I. 80 II. 140 III. 199 選項為以上三種選擇的組合 2. PS:x及y positive, x+y=odd問何者必為odd? I. xy II. (x+y)^2 III. x^2 + xy+ y^2 剩於兩選項忘記不過不影響答案 3. PS:有兩個數其十位數字皆為6,問今天兩數相加所得值的十位數字有幾種可能? I. 3 II. 4 III. 5 IV. 6 V. 7 4. PS:有一個位某城市的居民調查,居民總人數100人其中有意願搬至鄉村有42人、搬至鄰近城市23人、留在原來城市35人,問有意願搬至鄉村的人數是較留在原城市人數多多少百分比? I. 7% II. 20% 本題若以中文理解不難主要比較容易犯錯應該是在英文讀題時,容易誤會其是以總人數為母數直接拿42%-35%;但其實其所要表達是以留在原來城市為基數,要搬至鄉村的人較留在原城市人多多少 (42-35)/35 5. PS:x^-1 + x^-2 =0 問x可能的值 I. 1 II. -1 III. 0 6. DS:詢問一群人(知道總人數)兩個問題答案不是Yes就是No,今天已知道兩個都回答No的為310人,問今天兩個都回答Yes的有多少人 (A) 告知第一次回答Yes的人數 (B) 告知第二次回答Yes的人數 忘記確切數字 不過不影響作答 7. DS:1 ,2,6,7,x 問range I. 中位數=4 II. 算術平均數=4 有關MATH部分 我遇到不少JJ 相單感謝前人的分享~~~~ 至於Verbal 我個人考的不是很好 所以無法提供有效JJ Reading部分我有遇到 企業未何顧用超標準學歷勞工 另一篇有關物種起源之類的~~~~ 第一段:主要是科學家提出某種理論 為了test這種理論科學家希望找到不同的有機體 第二段:XX學家認為即使有這種有機體曾經存在也找不到 因為他們認為生物間彼此會競爭,有一種物種會消滅其他的 提出example:給出兩種物種並存很多年 來反駁 Moreover, 其他有機體可能存在於一般有機體難以生存的地方. 第三段:提出即使其他有機體無法找到也不可以說明不存在 ....(忘記了).... |