AI 57:" Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming
more respectful of one another's differences."
AA 46: " Oue research that over the past six years no incidents of employee theft have been
reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security
practices of these ten companies, we have futher learned that each of them requires its employee to wear photo identification badges while at work. In the future, therefore, we should recommend the use of such identification badges to all of our clients."
5. If the average of five different positive numbers is 18, and if the largest number is 40, then the median of the five numbers could be one of the following
I 5
II 15
III 25
The choices had the usual suspects including I & II, II & III, I & III and I, II and III
6.(PS:狒狒宝典的) 路程400m, 去的时速是350, 回来是250, 问平均时速??
7.(很简单的JJ题) 有A的70%, 有B的是60%, 没A没B的是30%, 问同时有A,B的
8.从6个人中选出3个人作XXX的可能是多少种? [答案:C(6,3), 20种]
9. 立方体两个相邻平面的对角线夹角多少?(很简单,由图,老题了) [答案:60]
10. k=m(m+4)(m+5) 其中k,m 都是正整数。罗马题,问下面可以被下面那些整除。选项Ⅰ3 Ⅱ4 Ⅲ6 [选3和6]
11. DS: (有图) 一个圆形内切于一正方形,求正方形面积 (1) 圆面积16π (2) 圆半径4 [D]
CR. 科学家年龄那道(一模一样)Scientists typically do their most creative work before the age of forty. It is commonly thought that this happens because aging by itself brings about a loss of creative capacity. However, studies show that a disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their field at an older age than is usual. Since by the age of forty the large majority of scientists have been working in their field for at least fifteen years, the studies’ finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not that they have simply aged but rather that they generally have spent too long in a given field.
SC和RC的都记不住了,也是我今天失败的根源,第一道SC就是三行的画线,我花了三分多钟,第二道又是一道两行半的画线,这两道做完已经过了7分钟,我的心已经冰凉,第三到第6道是一篇RC,我急于赶peace,没怎么读懂,静不心来,后面一道CR,不难,接着8-10又是一篇RC,比较绕,我时间落后太多,也没怎么读,这十道题做完,我就知道今天必败,后面10-20的SC和CR应该做的还可以,SC出了两道全画线,SC好像都很长,没有一道容易的,CR不是很难,出了一道BF。20题后又出了一篇阅读,我基本上也没怎么读,我心里一直盼望者出现GWD阅读,结果往往是事与愿违,后面的7道题只剩7分钟,虽然SC和CR应该是我的强项,可是时间已经来不及让我思考了。做完题,我已经知道结果,不可能连续猜了4篇阅读还能取得好成绩的。可是还是接受了要成绩。这段时间我准备远离书本,今天状态也是个很大的问题,数学做到20题,思维就散了,还好数学都很简单,我慢慢悠悠得还是提前20分钟做完,大家完全不用为数学担心,把JJ题都认认真真做做,应该就没问题了,不过大家还是要细心一点,我也没有得满分,不知道哪道题做错了。先写道这里吧,其它得想到了再写。 |