iBT口语考试第三题的解题思路 iBT口语考试第三题的解题思路
作者:北京新东方老师 Selina Dong托福第三题的内容为校园场景,形式为读-听-说。许多同学对于这一题的解答思路不是很明确,本文就该题具体解析考生准备该题时必须注意的key points(重点)。 第三题考查的是考生的英语运用的综合能力,首先看一段材料,再听一段与阅读材料相关的谈话,再经过自己的加工对问题进行口头回答。这个题目是对考生适应北美校园通知讨论情景的模拟考察。这道题目体现了新托福口语考试的“实现听、读、说三方面的动态有机融合”的考察目的,同时也是新托福口语考试的点睛之处。其考查的目的就在于要看考生是否真正具备了实际的校园语言综合应用能力,是否达到了较高标准和较高质量的即时输入与输出的语言运用水平。 因此,这道题(包括第四、五、六题)是对考生综合读听说的考验,也是对考生summarize(概述)能力的考验,因为这道题的45秒的阅读信息加上近两分钟的听力信息,需要考生在短短的一分钟之内put out(输出),对于英语技巧运用纯熟的学生来说,也不是一件那么轻易的事情,因此广大考生们一定要做到战略上藐视它,而在战术上重视它。 因为先读、听,然后再说整个过程给考生造成了较大的心理压力,广大考生最初接触这道题觉得不适应,很多觉得它同为校园话题的第五题要困难,这是很正常的,因为第五题讨论的通常都是学生个人的问题,而第三题讨论的校园“大政方针”的问题,就哪怕是用中文来复述,也不见得大家熟悉在这种场景中需要的词汇和句型呢。因为在这里, 为此,在平时学习或备考过程中,可以选择有些听说读写主题循环反复印证,反复强化的材料或教材,循次渐进地培养这种真正的语言综合能力。
第三题的rating (评分标准)以“Clearly” 、“Coherently”、“Accuracy”和“Completeness”为评判标准。 本文将以Official Guide中的第214的第三题为例: 阅读:
Announcement from the President The university has decided to increase the tuition and fees for all the students by approximately 8 percent next semester. For the past five years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it’s necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has many more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire the additional professors to teach these students. We have also made the commitment to research and technology and will be renovating and updating our laboratory facilities to better meet our students’ needs.
You will then hear: Narrator Now listen to two students as they discuss the announcement. The dialogue will begin: Man
Oh great, now we have to come up with more money for next semester. Woman
Yeah, I know, but I can see why. When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With this many students, it’s hard to get the personal attention you need… Man
Yeah, I guess you’re right. You know, in some classes I can’t even get a seat. And I couldn’t take the math course I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up. Woman
And the other things, well, I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate. Man
Why?I mean you’re doing really well in your classes, aren’t you? Woman
I’m doing ok, but the facilities here are so limited. There are some great new experiments in microbiology that we can’t even do here… there isn’t enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to compete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? I think the extra tuition will be a good investment.
Now answer the following question:
The woman expresses her opinion of the announcement made by the university president. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
1. 首先,这道题要求大家解决快速阅读的问题。 多数同学都面临强大的心理压力,大部分考生认为在45秒钟内阅读150字左右的文章,并记录下必要的重点信息,并不是一件容易的事情。但是,当考生清楚了阅读的内容以及做笔记的基本策略后,同时配合必要的练习,完成这项任务并非难事。 这些阅读材料的形式是通知、书信的形式出现的。更重要的是它们的内容都是校方做出的decision、policy、regulation后进行的公示,或者是一名学生看到这些公示后进行的书信式的公开评价。同时,这些阅读材料中还会出现校方做出这种决定或新的规定的原因,通常都有两到三点。建议大家最近可以多上国外大学的网站,查看他们的bulletin。 常见的记笔记方式为以下三种:
1) 缩略形式 2) 符号 3) 中文 4) 记句子的整体意思instead of 记录单个的单词 比如在以上的阅读通知中,出现的重要信息就蕴涵在以下几句话中: The university has decided to increase the tuition and fees for all the students by approximately 8 percent next semester. For the past five years.
The university has many more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire the additional professors to teach these students. We have also made the commitment to research and technology and will be renovating and updating our laboratory facilities to better meet our students’ needs. 这三句话中的加重的信息就可以通过以上三种做笔记的方法继承非常简单的notes。比如说将“tuition”、“equipment”记成“学费”和“设施”;学生用缩略形式Ss、教授以profs来表示、update以upd表示;而学费、学生和教授人数的增加则用上升符号表示。
2.听力部分应注意以下问题。 听力通常都是conversation的形式,男女学生的对话一般以一个人的观点以及原因的表述为重心,而另一个人的任务则是配合好这段对话。所以通常听到一个显得比较“有主见”的学生说话时,他(她)的观点就是待会要被复述的内容了。考生要注意一点 口语中的听力通常都比听力部分的听力材料要简短,所以从对话的一开始一直到结 束,都需要考生高度集中精力。第二就是要做好听力笔记。无数次的练习和测试经验表明,考生的听力笔记应该围绕着opinion和reasons记录,而且ETS的考题设计还是很人性化的,通常考生都有充足的时间记录下重点信息。 现在请考生对照以上的conversation, 参看以下的快速笔记是如何运用以上三点笔记记录方法的。考生将发现只要考生能够听出何处是重点信息,考生的记录速度是能够跟上谈话步骤的。 重要信息出现在这些sentences中: 首先是观点:I think the extra tuition will be a good investment,它出现在结尾。 然后是以下的原因:
1)With this many students, it’s hard to get the personal attention you need… …in some classes I can’t even get a seat. And I couldn’t take the math course I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up. 2) I am kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate. …the facilities here are so limited. There are some great new experiments in microbiology that we can’t even do here… there isn’t enough equipment in the laboratories, and the equipment they have is out of date. How am I going to compete for jobs with people who have practical research experience? 笔记的具体记录大家可以根据刚才的阅读材料的笔记做参考,然后做一下practice。
3.在得到充足的笔记以后,我们需要解决的就是“说”的问题了。这是最关键的问题,因为不少考生因为说方面没有找到适合ETS评分的方法而“浪费”了充裕的阅读和听力笔记。iBT speaking的所有question3的问题都是一致的,简单的说,就是请考生回答对话中的一名学生对于以上通知的意见(反对还是支持等)、以及他(她)持有该观点的原因(通常都是两点)。因此,半分钟的准备时间内,考生要注意的就是充分利用时间,进行必要的organization (层次性组织)。
1) 时间控制:准备时间为30秒,除了整理笔记之外,英语表述能力较弱的同学,可以做一个这样的准备―― 即用中英夹杂的方法把笔记顺一遍,就是说待会一分钟的答题时间内考生应该先讲笔记上的哪些点,后说哪些点,都要顺得极为清晰,因为答题过程中最好不要因为顺序的事情而分散自己的注意力,答题时间的注意力是用来处理词汇、语法与句型的。 2) 简约:很多考生都反映说苦练了快速阅读和听力后,到了说的这一步特别的郁闷,因为发现自己是“茶壶里煮饺子―― 有货倒不出来”,其实就是因为平时的英语学习没有给予词汇替换、口语的简单句型做足够的训练。比如明明一个句子可以讲完的信息,由于自己对于一些介词词组如instead of、 due to,或者是句型如it’s for…but not…, 或者一些中学语法现象如定语从句不了解,就出现了中途卡壳,满满一纸的信息无法在规定的时间内简约的put out出来的现象。 3) 高分词汇(summarize的词汇,或者substitute, 即简单的替换:这一点是针对想拿高分的同学来说的。因为rubrics (评分标准)上有一条评分规则为: Language Use: How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary. 因此考生在力所能及的情况下,在考场上尽量不要全盘搬出笔记上的单词,注意适当的替换,哪怕只有一两个,也为得到高分多做了一分有效的努力。如“there isn’t enough equipment in the laboratories”,在考生put out的时候就可以说成“school labs cannot provide students with enough facilities, 其中的provide sb. With sth.就是高分的口语词组。
如果对以上的注意事项都有所把握,考生就能得出比较理想的speaking sample了,比如: The woman student thinks it’s a good idea to raise the tuition, which is mentioned in the announcement due to the increase of number of students, professors and improving the laboratory facilities. The first reason is that she thinks students cannot get enough personal attention in classes and some courses are even hard to sign up because of the increasing number of students. And the second reason is that it’s hard to get an ideal job after graduation, because the school labs cannot provide students with enough and modern facilities, so that students are lack of practical experiences of experiments, and she says once she wasn’t able to do a very good experiment on microbiology because of the shabby facilities. |