GMAT阅读的各类题型中,暗示推理题属于难度较大的一类,很多考生往往认为GMAT阅读除了中心思想题以外,其他题目都应归属细节题,不管是GMAT阅读还是GRE阅读,我们只要顺应文章的思路,把握好文章的主旨及结构,不言而喻,我们就为解题思路找到了一块敲门砖,解题以前,让我们暂时从大脑中剔除这样一种思路,那就是不要专注于某道题属于哪一种类型,而我们对题型进行归类的目的之一是让你事先对GMAT阅读的各个出题点进行综合把握,以便在考试时对题目的解答有一个合理的掌控程度,毕竟GMAT阅读题型复杂多变,无法将全部题目都能对应到它应属的题型范畴,GMAT阅读真正考察的是你的解题能力而非你的阅读能力,了解了这一点以外,我们就应能学会在文章中顺藤摸瓜的本领,下面就让我们结合题目举例对GMAT暗示推理题型的整体特点作一概括性的总结。 GMAT暗示推理题的基本问法: 1) It can be inferred from the passage that the author agrees most………. 2) The author would most likely agree with which of the following……… 3) The passage suggests that………. 4) The author implies that……….. 从上述提问特点中,我们可以窥得在GMAT阅读中,往往题干中所提及的问题的答案已经暗含在了文章段落的某一处。请看下面这个例子: Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $500,000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises. It can be inferred from the passage that, compared with the requirements of law, the percentage goals set by “some federal and local agencies” are (A)More popular with large corporations (B) More specific (C) Less controversial (D) Less expensive to enforce (E) Easier to comply with 题目解析: 本题显而易见,是让我们从“Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public works contracts to minority enterprises”这句话中去理解该题,其答案的信息来源其实已经在斜体部分体现了出来,既然一些联邦和地方机构从某种程度上已经完全满足甚至是超出了国会的做法-----他们甚至规定了公共合同中必须分给少数民族公司的具体比例----那么我们便很容易的断定此题的答案为B. 某些GMAT阅读文章中,作者往往为了实现其论述的说服力,往往会在文章中安排一个或几个对比点,所谓对比点是指作者对不同事物或不同对象的某一个或某几个方面进行的比较性阐述,而考题中往往会针对这些比较点去进行问题设计,通过文章中给出的对比内容,考题会让我们推断出事物的属性或特点。如下例所示: Building on Quarles’ analysis of the latter group, Sylvia Frey studied the former slaves who emigrated to British colonies in Canada. According to Frey, these refugees—the most successful of the African American Revolutionary War participants—viewed themselves as the ideological heirs of the American Revolution. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution? - Although they were politically unaligned with either side, they identified more with British ideology than with American ideology.
- While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, they ultimately suffered the same fate as did African American Revolutionary War participants who were resold into slavery in the West Indies.
- They settled in Canada rather than in African because of the greater religious freedom available in Canada.
- They were more politically active than were African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in African
- They were more successful than were African American Revolutionary War participants who settled Africa.
题目解析: 当我们看完此题之后,在追溯至文章中,“the most successful of the African American Revolutionary War participants”,这里有一个最高级表达,“the most successful”这就是我在前文中所说的强对比,如果文章里所比较的几个事物中,其中作者对一个事物在某一方面进行了“最高级”描述,那么我们就可以推定此事物的某个方面“强于”其他事物,因此本题选E. 在暗示推理题里,我们可以采用三段论的策略,即,如果作者指出A大于B, 且B大于C, 那么我们就可以断定作者是在向我们进行如下暗示:A大于C. 当作者由一个共同概念联系着的两个前提推出某个结论时,我们便可采用此法。在实际的解题过程中,只要我们能够识破作者的思路,这种隐含的暗示就会自动显现原形,首先需要考生做到的就是突破对文章结构的整体认识,毕竟在时间非常有限的条件下,要想完整的理解文章的细节实难做到,对于暗示推理题来讲,唯一一个可以制胜的策略,就是准确的定位。 |