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The earth’s resources are being depleted much too fast. To correct this, the United States must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come.

14. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument above?

(A) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered.

(B) The United States consumes one-third of all resources used in the world.

(C) Other countries need economic development more than the United States does.

(D) Other countries have agreed to hold their resource consumption at present levels.(B)

(E) The United States has been conserving resources for several years.

Why not D ?

Only by B, we cannot be sure the overall consumption rate will be slowed down even though US account for one third of global consumption of natural resources. right ?

With D, plus the commitment by US, the overall consumption will definitely decline or stay flat, right ?

welcome to discussion .

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The point of "strengthen" is "strengthen the conclusion" as it is the key to answer any question regarding strengthen.

The conclusion is "the United States must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come."

As the answer B says: 1/3 resources used by U.S.A,all the other counties in the world only accounts for the 2/3), it confirms the fact that it is the U.S.A that must slow down its consumption.

hope it helps

Are you doing Section A,B,C,D and I II III, I am doing by this order, let's work out together.


forgot to say, how are the other countries doing is not related as you pointed out. They are not the matter.You just focus on the main conclusion


Thank you for your feedback. But I dont agree with it.

I suggest everybody choosing B reading carefully of the article.

The earth’s resources are being depleted much too fast. To correct this, the United States must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come.

The word " this" only logically refers to the fact that the earth's resources are being depleted too fast. Howevever, the sole commitment by US to keep its consumption under present level tells nothing about the possible effect in a global sense.

Even US accounts for half the oil consumption, if other counties dont take similar action, the earth's resources will still being depleted much fast, right ?


Oh , I am also doing the array of A B C D and I II III and I assume there must be other disagreement about the answer.

I wonder who provided the keys ?


Ha, yours more logical, I agree, can BanZhu confirm the answer?

If you don't mind,can you help answer A-16, it's been open long time I posted it last week. I'd like to know the way to get the answer.

The title "A-16" should be around,you may see it at the first or second page of this section with name"mole"

Thank you.


Initially, I also chose D as my answer, but after a while I find that one fact is needed here to strenthen the conclustion, option D is more like an assumption than a fact.


Ha ! I am wrong in this qestion!

I made such a classical mistake of confusing necessary condition with suffcient condition.

To correct this, the United States must keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come.

MUST here is a sign for necessary condition. So, we cannot equal the sentense with" if the United States keep its resource consumption at present levels for many years to come, the situation will be corrected.

The last sentense is a sufficient condition. The two meanings are wholly different.



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