刚刚考完,就回了公司. 饭也没吃就上来贡献jj感想, 虽然再次失败, 但知道还有很多xdjm等着jj的,毕竟gmat写jj的不是很多(相比gre).
今天考完后虽然没有像一个月前的那天看到分数后的那种震撼(那次实在是差得太离谱), 但还是有说不出的难受. 真是被打击得不行了. 考了个半死不活的690, 还是忍不住... 不过今天一起来感觉就不是好日子, 考前还胃痛. 今天最大的失误在verbal, 完全没能掌握好时间, 以致最后10分钟还有12题,而且还有一篇80行的长文!那篇几乎都没看, 又有好几道巨长逻辑. 现在觉得真是很可惜,如果有时间的话应该可以做得到的. 可能是因为上次失败主要是错在前面让我害怕了,以致这次我前面花了太多的时间. 有时都不知怎么兼顾好. 说句题外话, 不知是不是工作后真的会有退步的,年多前我考gre, 当时碰上的还是魔鬼顺序就是两个section的逻辑,一个section的verbal都能顶下来,而且拿了不错的分数. 但现在一个verbal都控制不好, 很是郁闷. 这让我开始怀疑自己的能力了, 以前是否只是一个假象..现在面对这个分数, 应该又要重考了的, 但9月工作很忙,之前又病了一场感觉很是虚弱... 迟了又怕来不及申请...再考又不知是何种状况, 感觉挺迷失的...(抱歉听起来比较negative, 但经过连续打击大家体谅一下)
But anyway, i would like to take this chance to thank all of the people who encouraged me when I was very upset last time. I really appreciate those who helped answer all my questions and gave me a hand in CD You know who you are.
AI “The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.”
AA. “Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”
SC. 大量unlike对比. 感觉这次不难,起码没有很怪的用法.
1.departments have heads retiring, and the number of heads will decease. ask for reason: 记得两个选项
a, 公司不会降低选人标准
b, 公司不会promote more than one employee to be head.
2. 一个餐厅发现servers在bills上写thank you to customers, 会增加3%tips. 因此建议其他餐厅都采用这个方法,therefore the average tips will increase by 3% tips. ask assumption
1. 说一帮学者研究woman in ancient times 的contribution. 开篇说这已经是很了不起的了比起对于其他ancients innovation的研究来说. However, 由于他们只focus on unban population的研究, 以致这个就不全面了. 但是后面出现一个swif 的人提出一个strategy, 如果在结合上某个accessment, 那就是only approach to study the ancient woman contribution. 意思就是后者的研究才能弥补之前学者的不足.
2. 妇女的投票权,以前人们认为放弃投票权是因为妇女要专心照顾家庭,但后来认为不是, 并且引用一个woman social worker的话(出了两题)说这是妇女可以在参与一些社交活动因为不带政治背景而保持中立,并且投票会破坏这种中立. 因此不建议妇女其投票.
1. 问MNK 3个整数之积能否被3整除?
(2) M、N、K是连续的整数
2. On a number line, points A, B, C, D, E and F , Gare equally spaced, F: 3^11, G: 3^12. Ask which point represents –(3^12).
3. A (n) = A (n-3) +18, the first several numbers are 102, 108, 114 ,问下面那个是其term.
4. S(n)表示一个数的不同质数因子的个数。比如S(120)=5,意思是120=2X2X2X3X5,就是3个2,1个3,1个5,那么总共有3+1+1个因子。S(m)=4,S(q)=12,问S(mq)=?
5. 去海边,去时50miles/H,回来时候38miles/H,路程是95miles,问来去花了多久。
6.DS: 问圆O是否与X轴相截
a) 圆心O到X轴的距离比到Y轴的距离远
7. 一条直线m和直线 k 垂直, 问line k是否与x=-1 intersect?(与前基金不同)
2)n 经过(0,4)
8.There are three kinds of bonus, each is $735,$150,$75, the company will give bonus to its employees. Each bonus has be to signed to at least one person, Now the company has the total bonus of 64800. What is the minimum number of employees who can get the bonus?(与前jj不同)
A.10 B. 11 C.12. D 13 E. 14
9, what is fraction of (3/4+1/2) is (3/4-1/2)?
10. x is positive, is x<1?
a. x<x^1/3
b. x^3<x
11. 有4个不同的数d1,d2,d3,d4. 都是整数. 问0.d1d2+0.d3d4是否大于1.
a. 四个数中最小的为4.
b. (0.d1d2)(0.d3d4)>0.5
好累,其他想起再发吧. |