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The computer industry’s estimate that it loses millions of dollars when users illegally copy programs without paying for them is greatly exaggerated. Most of the illegal copying is done by people with no serious interest in the programs. Thus, the loss to the industry is quite small, because ______.



(A) many users who illegally copy programs never find any use for them

(B) most people who illegally copy programs would not purchase them even if purchasing them were the only way to obtain them

(C) even if the computer industry received all the revenue it claims to be losing, it would still be experiencing financial difficulties

(D) the total market value of all illegal copies is low in comparison to the total revenue of the computer industry

(E) the number of programs that are frequently copied illegally is low in comparison to the number of programs available for sale

ETS的解释是The industry's loss is due to illegal copying must be evaluated in terms of sales lost. The actual loss is directly related to the legitimate sales opportunities that have been lost. Would the people illegally copying the programs buy them if they could not otherwise otain them? If it were true that most people had no serious interest in the programs, they would be unlike to purchase them. In this case, few sales would be lost and the loss could be considered small.

不明白紫色划线句的意思,如果人们只是不购买而去用盗版软件,就已经损失了potential sales, 为什么损失还是小的?请NN解释下,非常感谢!

收藏 分享

大多数人去盗版软件是因为盗版容易, 而不是对因为软件有兴趣。 如果没有了盗版的机会,他们也不需要这种软件,自然也不会去买了。所以potential sales是非常小的。



另一个角度看,因为销售没有因为 一些想买正版的人买了盗版 而收到损失,所以盗版没了,也不会有什么变化.


谢谢两位楼上!!明白了,原来no serious interest in the program 是理解为这



都是理解错误。我把no serious interest in the program 理解为对软件没有盗版传播




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