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20. Which of the following best completes the passage below?

In today’s pluralistic society, textbook publishers find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position. Since the schools are regarded as a repository of society’s moral and cultural values, each group within society wishes to prevent any material that offends its own values from appearing in textbooks. As a result, stance on an issue is certain to run afoul of one group or another. And since textbook publishers must rely on community goodwill to sell their books, it is inevitable that______

(A) fewer and fewer publishers will be willing to enter the financially uncertain textbook industry

(B) the ethical and moral content of textbooks will become increasingly neutral and bland

(C) more and more pressure groups will arise that seek to influence the content of textbooks

(D) the government will be forced to intervene in the increasingly rancorous debate over the content of textbooksB

(E) school boards, teachers, and principals will find it nearly impossible to choose among the variety of textbooks being offered

我选的是c,是不是pressure groups除了问题啊?后边影响textbooks的内容是对的?为了不与自己的价值观向违背就应该对内容进行控制阿。。。晕了


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And since textbook publishers must rely on community goodwill to sell their books, it is inevitable that


the ethical and moral content of textbooks will become increasingly neutral and bland




明白了,谢谢 !



the schools are regarded as a repository of society’s moral and cultural valuesstance on an issue is certain to run afoul of one group or anothertextbook publishers find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position

题目问textbook publishers must rely on community goodwill to sell their books__________________.此句意同textbook publishers find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position取非,即为该逻辑线索逆否推理.

题目问textbook publishers must rely on community goodwill to sell their books__________________.此句意同textbook publishers find themselves in an increasingly uncomfortable position取非,即为该逻辑线索逆否推理.



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