40. In metalwork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contact, and hence the bonding, is effected continuously over a broad surface instead of a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between.
instead of
as opposed to
in contrast with
rather than at
as against being at
The corrected sentence must contrast an effect of spot-welding
with an effect of adhesive-bonding. To do so logically and grammatically, it must
describe the effects in parallel terms. When inserted into the sentence, D produces the
parallel construction over a broad surface rather than at a series. Having no word such
as over or at indicate location, choices A, B, and C fail to complete the parallel and so
illogically draw a contrast between surface and series. In E, as against being is a wordy
and unidiomatic way to establish the intended contrast. Choice D is best.
than 的前后对称,锁定了本定答案。但题是做对了,但怎么也读不懂此题,有高
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