约的9点半,8点半到那,因为来回存东西耽误了会,11点才签完。同学们最好一次在外面把能存的东西全都存了,包,袋,兜,伞,手机,等等,所有。只带文件进去。 所以,先在入口的收银处(帖有“矿泉水3块,饮料5块”处)买了存包卡10块。 然后不要管那个厅里乱哄哄的人群,直接从另一个门出去,通过警卫查护照,进一院子。 在院子中间,通过另一警卫查护照,进入签证小楼的前厅。 在前厅安检,进里厅。 在里厅排队交材料到1或2或3窗口,领彩色卡;拿着卡胡乱站着,注意4和5号窗口叫该颜色的人取指纹;取完指纹后继续在里厅进行最后的排队。 今天有3个亚裔MM,有一个好像挺不好弄的。那个胖乎乎的MM感觉人挺好的。那个穿衬衣领带的白人巨能磨,我亲眼看到一个女生在他那呆了有半个小时。好几个人都在他那卡住。面我的是白人短发美女MM。 I : Good morning, mam. She: Morning, how are you doing? (no eye-contact) I : Great! She: So...you are going to XXX university. I : Yeah. She: Why do you choose XXX university? I : Because its program has a broader...curricullum. She: What program? I : YYY program. Compare with other universities, it has a broader curricullum. She: Compare with other university's what? I : Well, I mean, compare with other university's YYY program, this university's YYY program has a broader curricullum.(orz..) She: (interested) What are the comparisons you made? Which university's YYY program are you making comparisons with? I : (Scared. never made any comparison...skip the point...) Well...I applied 6 universities, including...111 university, 222 university...333 university...444 university...555 university...and...(can't remember the 6th one...) She: (totally bored...turning to the I-20) How can your parents pay for it? I : My parents saved sufficient amount of money (seeing her tearing the pink paper, I was happy and continued my sentence in my really slow pace...) to support my expenses in the United States. She: (Give me the little pink paper) I : Thank you! Have a nice day! 出里厅,出签证小楼.原来那小粉条是邮寄单.还要回院子外面那个有乱哄哄人群的厅填单子,交钱30(快递)。也。。。现在就可以彻底的滚了。。。 我就这么结结巴巴问牛答马的过了,所以同学们都要有信心哈。 |