AWA AI: The best teacher should expect students to challenge popular ideas rather than accepting them. AA: “On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25 percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period. Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-aged consumer.” Math: 大部分JJ 都有. 昨晚睡觉的时候想起来的, p 和q 都是正整数, Is value of (p + 0.001)^4 * (q + 0.001)^5 > 32? (1) P =2 (2) q = 2 我选B SC: Unlike honeybee’s stinger_____________, yellowjacket’s stinger blah blah honeybee’s stinger , which is heavily barbed and stays honeybee’s stinger, heavily barded and staying blah, blah, Similar to the following, but not exactly
T-3-Q2. As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.
A. As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing B. As the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes C. Honeybee’s stinger, heavily barbed and staying where it is inserted, results in the fact that the act of stinging causes D. The heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, and results in the act of stinging causing E. The honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed and stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes The contractor and the engineer agree on the cause of the bridge failure, but both blame the other. A. both blame the other B. each blames the other C. each blame the other person D. both are blaming the other E. each blames one another CR: 1. A: 这些关于leadership的书只有在秋季卖的好,因为冬季是holiday season, 夏季什么的. B: leader 秋季忙着开会,没空看书, 所以秋季也卖不好 问Assumption, 我选 leader 不会参考这些书作为开会之用. 2. 用化学杀虫剂杀 caterpillars,为了减少化学杀虫剂, 某人建议采用 Ant colony(类似生化武器) 和杀虫剂, 问 weaken, 我选 Ant colony is more sensitive to 杀虫剂 than to caterpillars RC: 由于Verbal 很差, 以下仅供参考. 1. 股票的选择与corporation社会责任的关系(JJ有) 2. 英国公司在印度的情况 (巨长,有下拉) 第一段: 讲英国公司比较乐于发dividend, 因为Tax 的关系 与印度Rupee 和英国先令兑换率的关系. 又讲oversea bank in 印度 has large reserve and transfer them before 英国公司公开业绩. 第二,三段忘了. 已经是二战了,分数比较低,但是对于part time MBA 来讲,仅仅够用. 我也满意了. 我并不奢望考上一流的Top MBA school. 我报考的学校与中欧有交换生协议, 希望有一天能够以换生的名义回到祖国, 看一看咱们的MBA school. 在北美已经有一段时间了,英文水平还是那么差,应该好好检讨以下. 毕竟英文是一种语言, 要长期积累才能打好基础. 接下来要写报读文章了,希望各位能考上理想的学校. Good luck! |