12/18於台北一戰, 考得相當不理想, Math 50, Verbal 24 (天阿...Verbal到底要怎麼加強, 我已經準備3個多月了, OG10th, OG11th, GWD 都各做了3遍了...Prep也練習了不下10次...有沒有人可以幫幫我...究竟要怎麼加強Verbal部份...) 記憶力不太好, 大概記得下面幾個部份... Math: 1.DS-平面xy上有兩個圓, 一個圓以(0,0)為圓心, 半徑為r ; 另一圓以(3,4)為圓心, 半徑為s; 為兩圓是否相交? (1) r+s=6 (2) rs=9 我選A 2.DS-某人買T-shirt, 如果買2件, 可以用原價的9折購入, 買2件以上, 可以用原價8折購入;已知目前某人購買總金額為$100, 請問以原價計算, 總金額會是多少? (1)原價最多不超過$40(包括$40) (2)忘記了...原價大於$32 我選C 抱歉, 只記得2題完整的, 數字都對 Verbal: CR: 1.有題GWD曾經出現的, 說海豚媽媽跟小孩的事, 餵了有受汙染的母乳.... 2.之前有人提過了, 就是市集的魚需求量變多了, 可代表城市正在發展, 問 support, 我覺得不是齋戒的答案, 因為覺得齋戒好像是weaken Reading: 有一篇GWD曾出現的, 說Roosevelt女性做得一些事情並不是因為他老公是總統的緣故....而是因為生長背景差異... AA: Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies. AI: With the increasing emphasis on a global economy and international cooperation, people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is more important than their role as citizens of a particular country. 希望能對大家有所幫助... |