AA: The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper. “The owners of the Cumquat Café evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Café will soon celebrate its second anniversary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since the Café’s move, three different businesses — a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop — have occupied its former spot.” AI:
“Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people are becoming more respectful of one another’s differences.” Math: most of the questions are familiar. Q:某灯塔高5000feet,
某船从elevator看塔顶的角度是30度,问船到灯塔light的距离 A: 10000 Q: DS: 某三位数位数乘积54(主意不是45),问个位是多少 1,the number is greater than 950, 2) the sum of the three units is 15 A: A (960) Q: 多边形内角和180(n-2)given, if the sum is 2160, what is n? A: 14 Q: Female 2 times of male; Teacher 3 times of Administrator, total 540. If 1/3 male are administrator how many female teachers? A: 270? Q: DS: 某菱形给图求长对角线1)边长为2; 2)短对角线为2 A: C RC: 1: Labor activist and health care insurance the same as in GWD 2: active-motivated strategy v.s purpose(result?)-motivated strategy. Talked about the disadvantage of active-motivated strategy (total quality) and the author supports the purpose-motivated strategy overall. One of the answer about the purpose: the active-motivated strategy fails to achieves the major goal although has some success (文中说:员工loyalty-minor goal还是什么提高了可企业利润-major goal还是上不去) 3: 现代科学的标志:achievement v.s approach: 以前人们认为modern science 标志是uncommon or miraculous achievement which begins in 15/16 century(?)But someone argues the approach is the indicator of the modern science. BlaBla. Something about experiment。最后说15/16 century 之前就知道某些结论了但从15/16 世纪开始人们才真正用实验去证实。 4: slow-wave sleep: 一共四小段。人在醒的时候特别在learning时大脑中某种s东东会很active, 然后就消耗很多能量。为了recover这些能量就睡觉了。发现在慢波睡眠时这些wave会减慢s东东的active level,然后s 东东歇了,能量就recovered了。研究还发现慢波的wave越强的地方就是在白天s东东最活跃的地方。 问题包括:人为什么要睡觉:我选得为了recover 能量。还有为什么slow-wave 开始强慢慢变弱?我说因为slow-wave开始要减弱s东东,但是等s东东被减弱了也就不需要那么强的slow-wave了。 CR: 1:青蛙产卵题,青蛙在雨林的temp pool产卵,现在要修什么posture就会破坏青蛙的栖息地。大又发现有某种濒危的青蛙在posture造成的permanent pool产卵了所以至少多这种青蛙来说建posture不会到称他们的灭绝。weaken: 某种青蛙的天敌喜欢在permanent pool 里呆着吃青蛙卵。 2:某政府说有health budget for people over 70.说未来十年此cost将减小因为一,未来十年reaching 70 的人变少了,二,由于treatment进步进行持续治疗的人将减少。问weaken 答:由于治疗的进步70岁以上的人活得越来越长 3:研究发现吃纤维fiber很多和少吃low-
saturated fat 的人不容易得心脏病。所以医生说公众可以多吃fiber 或少吃low-
saturated fat 来保持健康。问有什么问题:把必要条件当充分条件 4:杀虫剂对环境有害特别是对实施了少冲击的地区,1-说不应该全国性立法限制杀虫剂而应该让各个地区立法。2-因为各个地区的环境,天气,土壤不同从而杀虫剂危害也不相同;另外地方官员对本地具体情况更了解。 两处bold关系:第一是结论,第二是支持理由。好像选a. 5: 冰河期时澳大利亚和旁边一岛是连着的,后来冰一化那些人就回不去了。考古发现澳大利亚的这种移民用某种钓鱼的工具可另外一岛的人没有。所以说这种工具是冰化了后这些人在澳大利亚自己发明的。什么假设?不确定:所有这些移民用的其他工具岛上的人都用。 |