1. GDP 2. American Black移民的经济分析,主要是说以前很多分析underestimate了经济因素,过分强调了urbanization的作用(还是反过来的,忘了),现在这个J分析师把时间聚焦在某个特定事件上去分析(有题),强调经济因素。 3. Descriptive and prescriptive languages 题目5道 第一段主要介绍两个的定义,其中prescriptive也被称作usage manual(下文经常会用这个叫法)。第二段说啥忘了。第三段是举了一个prescriptive的flaw。例子是: 1a忘了(standard) 1b 忘了,好像个俚语的说法(nonstandard) 2a she is taller than I. (formal) 2b she is taller than Me. (informal) 文章里说prescriptive不仅把1b认定为grammar incorrect,还把2b认定为incorrect. 这里有题问descriptive把哪个认定为incorrect. 我选的是neither of 2a nor 2b is incorrect。 4.Chinese exclusion act的影响,文章很短很好理解 第一段说某些历史学家认为是unfortune to Chinese community什么什么的,我理解是说他们只局限理解到一个community的影响。有题问这些历史学家会同意选项里的什么观点。 还有一道主旨题。
Math: 1/3是JJ,就不说了。 主要有5道题: 1. M stock 有100shares $25 each share, P stock 200 shares and $10 for each, if the price for M is increased by 20%, P increased by 6%, then what is the percent of increase for the total? 这道题是后来吃饭的时候想JJ的时候发现算数算错了。抓狂! 2. n=bcdx, b\c\d\x are all different prime number, then how many factors for N, other than 1 and N. 3. n是个四位数字,各个数位的乘积是450, 问 最小的四位数的百位。 比较trick的DS: 4. A’s salary is 600 (base) plus 7% commission on sales “in excess of 2000”, then what is the total sales for the following two months? 1) May A received 810 2) June A received 1020 这里我主要是犹豫在是否是在2000以上还是包含2000取7%,引号里面的是原话。 答案有9000和13000 5. Customer去一个fruit land 摘 “3 pieces of fruit”. 意思是一个selection 是3 pieces。Different selections are regarded only as those 3 pieces are different types. 问,最后是不是超过 7types? 1) more than 18 different selections in which all 3 pieces are different. 2) more than 24 different selections in which two pieces are the same type, and the other is different. 这道我一看就蒙了,当时就想赶紧来讨论一下。我现在还是没想明白different selection and different type是啥关系。
AI:employees should not take their private lives into workspace. AA: Olympic food cost would face an decrease,跟filming 的cost down相比那道。 |