6. perimeter of a equilateral triangle T和perimeter of a square R是否相等。
(1) a side of T of
(2) the ratio: T and R=4:3
7.花费65mil投资一个年利率12%的项目, 单利. 问要增加多少年收益可以达到10mil.
(1)A的效率>2g每秒;(2)A的效率<5g每秒 (k、g是单位,1k=1000g,我选E)
9.这个题目是费费原来题目, 但数字变了, 大家注意不要背诵答案:
答案: x /4
11. 问k和l是否垂直:
(1) k和l在y轴上intercept为2
(2) k在x轴上intercept为2, l在x轴上intercept为-2 (好像是这样的..)
12. (mq+np)/pq是整数, must be true?
I. m/p为整数
II. np/pq是整数
III. p^2/mn (不确定)
13. 好像还有一个开根号sqrt的题目, 但和JJ不太一样…
32. The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper.
“A recent review of the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for ambulance use, we should disband解散, 裁减our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.”
5. “All groups and organizations should function as teams in which everyone makes decisions and shares responsibilities and duties. Giving one person central authority and responsibility for a project or task is not an effective way to get work done.”
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion expressed above? Support your views with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from your own work or school experiences, your observations, or your reading.
第一篇: 前人的15-19日JJ总结
1.美国黑人在new york的在17xx-18xx的生活状况
大概是说一直以来历史学家认为纽约的黑人生活状况比较好,但是一个叫white的人的研究认为不是这样的,说new york的黑人待遇不比别的地方好,论据是,虽然纽约的free的黑人 increased, however, slavery 其实也增加了,并且无论wealthy white,还是white artison(工匠)
都有黑人奴隶,而其前的研究认为white artisan 是倾向越黑人工人和白人工人
但是作者又说,white的研究在某些方面不对,好像是关于黑人community类的,说有很多黑人的church. 然后最后一段作者又说如果white说研究的时间能够延长到1830年会更好
第二篇: 前人的15-19日JJ总结
恐龙冷热血的讨论,两种观点,一个说恐龙是温血的,因为他们的骨骼很类似温血动物的,一个反对,作了一个试验,总结说是因为activity 而形成了这样的骨骼。题目有问主旨,
第一段: 提出观点:一个说恐龙是温血的,因为他们的骨骼很类似温血动物的
第二段: 做试验反对, 通过比较活动的(activity)的热血动物和冷血动物, 观察他们的骨骼, 说明是activity造成的骨骼区别
问题: 1. 主旨题目, 2.题目忘了, 答案就是第二段段意
还有一篇类似JJ的, 失忆…让我再想象再发
8. GWD-29-Q40
Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream. However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur. These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria.
Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers’ prediction?
A. After being administered to mice, naltrexone does not pass from the bloodstream into the intestine.
B. Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering the migration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream.
C. Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphine have no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have not been given either substance.
D. The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the only harmful effect on mice of being given morphine.
E. Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteria in the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice
只记住一道正常点的题目, 但是有一点可以确认, 如果你还有时间, 多看prep!
CD22-14-38. GWD17-Q38:
All Y chromosomes in existence today are descended from a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.
A. a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived
B. a single ancestor’s who was thought to live
C. a single ancestor whom it is thought had lived
D. the Y chromosome of a single ancestor who is thought to have lived
E. the Y chromosome of a single ancestor whom it was thought had lived