AA: “Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company’s projections. However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transport people to the subway stations is below the projected volume. If the transit company expects commuters to ride the shuttle buses to the subway rather than drive there, it must either reduce the shuttle bus fares or increase the price of parking at the subway stations.” AI: “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.” Math: -1<x<-3/4, 下面那个数最大 a) -1/x, b) 1+1/x, c).. d).. e) 1/(1+1/x), 选e x,y,z 都是正数,x<y<z, 哪个比y^(x+z)大 a)x^z, b)z^x, ..d) y^2z…, 选D 7^85+4的个位是几? a)1, b)2, c)4….. sqrt((83.7*19.8*0.038)/98.3)近似等于多少
Ans: 0.8 一个数轴,x在0和1之间,y在1和2 之间,问,下面那个一定大于1? a) xy, b) y-x………e) x+y K, M, N, 三个人,完成一个wedge所用的时间分别为x分钟,y分钟,2分, K, M,N, 同时工作一个小时,完成wedge的数量大于50? a) x<1.2 b) y<1.5 Beth 有23分和20分的邮票,问23分
的邮票有几张? a)邮票总价值169分,
b)Beth有5张20分邮票 m是个正整数,m^3是几位数? a)m是个3位数
b)m^2 是个5位数 x^2-3xy+4y^2<0? a) x>-y b) x>-4y 一条传送带,速度120cm/min,把一个东西从一个地方运到另一个地方,走的距离小于90米? a)走的时间小于1.2分钟,b)走的时间大于1.1分钟 y不等于1, x=1? a) x^2+y^2=1 b) x=1-y Verbal RC 第一篇讲1800’ British business在亚洲做生意,很难用公开的数字来衡量这些business是否成功,股票的dividend也不能反映long-term经营的好坏。举了一个例子,说在印度的一家British 公司股票的dividend很高,其原因是Indian Rupee 汇率和tax,而不是公司经营的好。 第二篇讲用laser来鉴定油画的新方法(LMPD还是LPMD的,记不起来了) 第三篇较长,讲美国电影的早期发展,明星是如何产生的,一个是电影制作的演变和观众的需求。一开始电影制作各家都差不多,都是远镜头,观众不需要什么明星,后来出现一个patent pool,特写和近镜头出现了,明星也慢慢出现了。后来有一个z的人,打破了patent pool 电影制作方式,创立了一套新的电影制片和发行的方式,用对明星的发展产生了影响…. 第四篇较短,讲一个人hyde研究一种叫M的恐龙化石,认为这种恐龙一孵出来是由母恐龙抚养的,因为小恐龙的leg上由一种骨头表明他们是蹲着的,同时发现小恐龙的牙齿有咬过东西的痕迹。然而又有两个科学家,发现另外一种叫H恐龙,H是M的近亲,腿上都有这种骨头,表明hyde的发现不对的,但是H在孵化出来时牙齿就有磨损的痕迹,表明他们在孵出来之前就会磨牙(这考了一题) CR
一个加油站为了提高sales,给每个加过10加仑的客户提供免费洗车,一个月内sales增加了10%,于是认为这种提高sales的方式很有效。问要证明加油站的clam先要evaluate什么?我选的是,增加的收入是否可以offset提供免费洗车的开销。 Nebraska要对饮用水中某种杀虫剂进行监测,选民认为检测根本没有必要,因为这种杀虫剂被限制在pineapple上使用,只有夏威夷有pineapple,Nebraska没有pineapple。问削弱。只记得两个选项,一个是每个州都对饮用水杀虫剂进行监测,另一个是杀虫剂只用在pineapple上是5年前的限制 Mice that have been given morphine are very likely to develop blood poisoning because bacteria that normally reside in the intestine typically respond to morphine by migrating into the bloodstream. However, when mice are given both morphine and the new drug naltrexone, blood poisoning is much less frequent, although it does still occur. These results provide support for researchers’ prediction that naltrexone will turn out to be toxic to certain types of bacteria. Which of the following, if discovered to be true, would most seriously weaken the support for the researchers’ prediction? - After being administered to mice, naltrexone does not pass from the bloodstream into the intestine.
- Naltrexone inhibits morphine from triggering the migration of intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream.
- Mice that have been given naltrexone but not morphine have no greater risk of developing blood poisoning than do mice that have not been given either substance.
- The increased risk of blood poisoning is not the only harmful effect on mice of being given morphine.
- Conditions other than the presence of intestinal bacteria in the bloodstream can cause blood poisoning in mice.
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