昨天晚上太紧张,一宿没怎么睡,以前还从没因考试紧张过,还好是下午考.上午眯了1个小时,可是下午的状态还是很不好,导致SC做的比较差.考试时坐在了7号位置,周围全是MM,就我一个男的.大概是沾了7字的光,最后成绩也还可以,够申请了 以下为JJ: AI: Public figures should avoid expressing opinions about things that they have not personally experienced or been directly affected by. “Throughout the last two decades, those who earned graduate degrees found it very difficult to get jobs teaching their academic specialties at the college level. Those with graduate degrees from Waymarsh University had an especially hard time finding such jobs. But better times are coming in the next decade for all academic job seekers, including those from Waymarsh. Demographic trends indicate that an increasing number of people will be reaching college age over the next ten years; consequently, we can expect that the job market will improve dramatically for people seeking college-level teaching positions in their fields.” AI题目从未见过,写的比较差,只有四段,开头结尾还是摸板,AA还可以,一共写了5段,不知一共能得多少分
SC:一直在混沌状态下完成,直到最后一些题才开始有点感觉,可是最后一道题用了5分钟也没搞明白,好像是on a par with XX(不认识) and monsters that were once dismissed as myths, atypical waves have been monitered……………,在单复数和PAR的用法上想了半天,乱选了一个
RC: 3篇是JJ,只有一篇是新文章,不过也很简单,批驳了某些经济学家的观点,该观点认为美国政府不应该资助一些大企业,使其避免国内竞争,从而实现国际竞争优势。作者观点认为国内竞争对企业是有好处的。
其他3篇: 1. 拉丁美洲妇女 2. 公共设施的使用是否该收费 3. 马的进化 大家看JJ就好了,几乎可以不看文章 |