今天出分数时我都不敢看,虽然对nn来说不算咋的,我却很满足拉,终于可以解脱拉.... 其实,在做模考的时候,没一次超过620的,本来我都不想去靠拉,但看在$250的份上还是硬着头皮上拉 就希望奇迹发生 终于jj让我的奇迹发生拉,他实在太重要拉,所以我也要尽点贡献,虽然不多... AA:our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores. AI: physical work environment can affect employees’ productivity and morale, so employee should have the right to designed their workplace.
RC: 全是jj上的,帮我省下了不少时间
1. 公园杂草
2. 地球温度的变化和co2有关的那篇
3. wrongful-termination那个
4. poland妇女政治选举地位那个,果真如jj所言,这篇我文章都没看,直接选了,很有效
1.15,18,40,50 最小公倍数的范围 我选200~2000
2.DS:A<b<c<d a,b,c,d为正整数,问a,b,c,d是否为连续?
1. c-b=1 2. d-a=3 我选B
3.268^20的个位数是多少? 我选6
4.数列c,c^2,c^3……c^n 他们的和是否为奇数?
a. c为奇数
b. n为奇数
有一道leads 和salespersons的
引用“公司雇佣经理的主要目的是让他们generate leads,评估经理的标准是产生的Leads的数量。但销售人员经常不follow to the leads,因为会花很多的时间并且大多数leads通常都是dead ends.因此,公司为了解决这个问题,应该_________”
我选incentives to let salespeople to generate their own leads 好难想啊,大家凑活看吧 有想到一道MATHS 说x+y<8,x和y 是正整数,问xy可能的值有几个? 我答10 |