考完後,看到了這個令人心碎的分數,應該是我還沒有真正瞭解GMAT的題目走向,也還練習不夠,再努力第二戰囉 補充JJ如下 AWA AA The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store. “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc. AI The most effective way for managers to assign work is to divide complex tasks into their simpler component parts. This way, each worker completes a small portion of the task but contributes to the whole.” Math 只有一題印象深刻 d=2^64 d^d=? A.128 D 2^128 E 2^384 不知道如何算,後來選E RC 記得三篇 1.公司內部人與外部人對於CEO的看法不同:外部人會傾向用對公司好的外部CEO,而內部人會傾向用原CEO,並指出是在於兩種人的利益不同造成選擇不同 2.銀河系的成因:主要說明不同形狀galaxy的成因(disk與ellipital),第一段提到是一般人普遍認為disk形成在 cloud gas之外,(對於ellipital的說明忘了),第二段學者提出反對,認為是在cloud內形成,且形成與galaxy之間的gravity有關。第三段提到一個tidal effect來解釋成因。 3.地球溫室效應的研究:提到一個s物質會導致北半球溫度降低,但在1870年後,反而北半球溫度上升,第一段的學者認為此現象與溫室效應相反。第二段的學者說,本來造成溫室效應的因素就不是這種物質,而是南半球海洋多,而北半球主要是陸地造成的差異,所以s物質只是短暫現象。 |