ai:要不要建立competitive education system aa:削减costly benefit package并投入research and development 数学做得不好,也不记得什么了。中学奥数班的把数学考成这样真是很丢人。现在都纳闷为什么数学没上50~~~ 想起一道ds(数字肯定不对) 说一种杂志,订阅价是2.75元,零售价是3元,问这个月订阅本数和零售本数的ratio (1)平均价格是2.8元 (2)零售了1000本 选A verbal 先补充一道gwd语法吧: The discovery that Earth’s inner core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of the formation and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field.
- core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of the formation and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
- core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for advancing studies of how heat from the inner core flows through the outer planet, and the formation and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
- core rotates independently and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers are responsible for advancing studies of how heat from the inner core flows through the outer planet, and how Earth’s magnetic field forms and the periodic reversal of its direction
- core, rotating independently and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers, are responsible for advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet, and the formation and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
- core, rotating independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers, is responsible for advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of how Earth’s magnetic field forms and the periodic reversal of its direction
然后语法还有那个什么drunk,suitcase,downstairs那道题 语法考了很多把主谓分得很开,考主谓一致,好好看哦
然后语法还有那个什么drunk,suitcase,downstairs那道题 语法考了很多把主谓分得很开,考主谓一致,好好看哦
还有这个 Which of the following most logically completes the argument? A certain cultivated herb is one of a group of closely related plants that thrive in soil with high concentrations of metals that are toxic to most other plants. Agronomists studying the herb have discovered that it produces large amounts of histidine, an amino acid that, in test-tube solutions, renders these metals chemically inert. Possibly, therefore, the herb’s high histidine production is what allows it to grow in metal-rich soils, a hypothesis that would gain support if ______.
A: histidine is found in all parts of the plant – roots, stem, leaves, and flowers B: the herb’s high level of histidine production is found to be associated with an unusually low level of production of other amino acids C: others of the closely related group of plants are also found to produce histidine in large quantities D: cultivation of the herb in soil with high concentrations of the metals will, over an extended period, make the soil suitable for plants to which the metals are toxic E: the concentration of histidine in the growing herb declines as the plant approaches maturity
政治家说: 为什么你们记者一直把焦点放在我们的个性(personality)上面阿? 面对大众选民,你们应该要放在我门的政策、外交等等, 因为这些才是genuinely political issue 记者说: 因为你们的个性会影响你们的每一个issue阿! 记者是针对政治家的那一个方面做反对? 五个带引号的选项。我选“issue”,还有“genuinely political”还有什么就不记得了 还有和尚吃鱼那题,选项写的很绕,我觉得说邻居不用这个垃圾堆的选项不对,我好像选了一个有三个否定词的答案。
阅读四道都是JJ,一篇gwd火山形成的两种方式,一篇海鸟与地震,一篇星星变色,一篇market pineer
现在头,脖子,肩,背,腰,肚子全部都在痛,我想起什么再说吧。 |