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OG-169, 不懂

169. Corporate officers and directors commonly buy and sell, for their own portfolios, stock in their own corporations. Generally, when the ratio of such inside sales to inside purchases falls below 2 to 1 for a given stock, a rise in stock prices is imminent. In recent days, while the price of MEGA Corporation stock has been falling, the corporation's officers and directors have bought up to nine times as much of it as they have sold. highlight这句话什么意思?谢谢!

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portfolios: 投资组合.


That is their personal investment portfolios.


Vincent and Mindfree, many thanks! I got it.


169. Corporate officers and directors commonly buy and sell, for their own portfolios投资组合, stock in their own corporations. Generally, when the ratio of such inside sales to inside purchases falls below 2 to 1 for a given stock, a rise in stock prices is imminent. In recent days, while the price of MEGA Corporation stock has been falling, the corporation's officers and directors have bought up to nine times as much of it as they have sold.

inside sales to inside purchases  是只助理类的职称还是另有其他解释


请教一下,原题说,Generally, when the ratio of such inside sales to inside purchases falls below 2/1...., the stock price will rise





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