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[求助] PREP 1-41


Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself.  Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal?

(A) Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can.

(B) Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves.

(C) Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied.

(D) Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids.

(E) Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business.

我在A和E之间犹豫了些时候,后来放弃E, 因为总经理的时间和努力不能直接在成本和利润上体现,而A 说明Vernon outsourcing 的部分的成本是低于自己做。


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能降低成本,而且有可能会增加成本。 但是A 并没有直接指出某些工作oursource出去以后,能够使得公司降低成本,增加利润。

E说明有些工作oursource出去,可以让经理更focus the core business, 很明显E为“oursource会使得公司降低成本”提供了一种合理的解释。



Thanks a lot.



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