考试成绩不好,心情还算平静。痛定思痛,准备再战。总结JJ如下,以飨三伏天里辛苦的战友。 AWA: Argument- 44. The following is part of a business plan created by the management of the Megamart grocery store. “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.” Discuss how well reasoned... etc. Issue- 99. “If a nation is to ensure its own economic success, it must maintain a highly competitive educational system in which students compete among themselves and against students from other countries.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. MATHS(和以前JJ重复的不再列出,答案不能保证全对): 1.1加仑液体注入长方体容器(提示加仑为体积单位),正好加满。问液体的高度: 1)长方体容器内部高度为10CM;2)容器为立方体 ANSWER 2.圆心在直角坐标系,半径为r的圆;一条直线斜率为l,截距为b;问直线和圆有几个交点: 1)r^2>b^2;2)l^2>r^2 ANSWER:A 3.JACK和其他14人参加选举,问包括JACK在内一共选出3人的组合: ANSWER:C(2,14) 4.已知直角坐标系上两点坐标,求以两点间线段为直径的圆的面积: ANSWER:根据两点间距离公式算出线段长度,即为圆的直径 5.a-b和a/b均为偶数,则一下哪个必为奇数: a/2,b/2,(a+b)/2,(a+2)/2,(b+2)/2 ANSWER:不确定 6.总数为w的一群人,A组的人数为x,B组人数为y,AB组都参加的为z,则AB组都不参加的比例: ANSWERw-x-y+z)/w 7.一人到某地,其间骑车1小时10分,走路1小时36分,若总的时间减少2分钟,则平均速度为15m/h,问路程总距离: ANSWER:15*(70+96-2)/60 8.三个数的算术平均数为69,中数为78,问最小的数不能超过多少: ANSWER:69*3-78*2 RC(3篇在JJ里出现过): 1.关于公司新产品策略的 第一段:现在的公司都把推出新产品作为一个策略,并列举了该策略的优点 第二段:这个策略的应用有局限性,在列举情况下不能达到增加公司盈利的目的 2.大型零售商改成small store 第一段:large retailer实验型的建立了一些连锁small store 第二段:在selection方面,大店因为提供选择太多给顾客带来负面影响,小店则有其优势 第三段:在cost方面,小店也有优势 最后一段:总结了其他一些好处,例如雇员人数等
3.mental healthy和种族的 第一段:mental healthy的诊断对于少数民族来说不是很准确,主要是这些professor没有考虑到其特有的文化特性 第二段:以American Mexico人为例,以前的移民和现在的移民在文化上有差异 第三段:mental healthy的诊断应该建立在对人家的文化了解的基础上 数学题里算术类题较多,几何略少。虽然难度不大,但是关于表述字数较长的题需要耗费时间仔细审题。建议大家除了JJ,多看看英文的数学题训练。verbal的难度相当于GWD,SC考点全面,平行,时态,代词,比较等等都考到了。对于尚有时间的XDJM,想取得高分,一定要建立起对GMAT题目的敏感性,推荐xiao_zhutou的"北美760,GMAT的感觉"。尽管很多NN提到在短时间内就取得了高分云云,但是多数人还是要通过不懈的努力来提高。如果不能够建立准确的感觉以保证考试时稳定PACE上的正确率,现场多多少少的紧张会拖延我们的反应,从而打乱PACE。 |