MATH 51分,所以顺便把我的答案和思路也贴出来,大家做个参考,真实考试中条件会变,请大家一定要注意! 1、 原JJ题的变体,问43-48的所有数的倒数之和,算法是:6个数的和应该在6/48和6/43之间。最接近的1/8 2、 JJ题,right圆柱体半径5,高25,求combined base占表面积的比率,including bases?(1/6) 3、 有一条说x比y大20%,y比z大20%,W比x小20%,问W比z小多少,记得答案选15.2% 4、 还有一条说某人在一段路上先骑车1小时20分,又跑了1小时15分,若总时间少了两分钟的话,平均速度是25,问总路程是多少?(数字不准确)
这条比较tricky,需要估算,大家可以把平均速度和少了两分钟的时间相乘得到一个路程,从选项里选比这个路程大的,记得只有一个E可以选 5、 说某数的十位数是6,问四次方的个位数是多少? (1) 个位数是奇数 (2) 个位数不是5 我选C,四次方的个位数一般只有四种情况,0,1,5,6,但是这个不太放心的是提干条件说十位数是6除了能排除个位是0的情况不知道还有什么作用,当时想了挺久,不过后来还是选了个C 6、 还有一条需要用到三角形的面积公式,
,大家记住就行了(图片显示不出来,就是两边乘以夹角正玄再除2的那个) 7、JJ:一个小组里,female:male:children的比例是5:2:7 求总的人数
(1) female+children有12人
(2) male小于4人 选D 8、一个数属于集合 {42,34,37,47 51 63 ,68},能否确定该数
60%*X=15%反算出X,得25% 10、In a certain game played with red chips and blue chips, each red chip has a point value of X and each blue chip has a point value of Y, where X>Y and X and Y are positive integers. If a player has 5 red chips and 3 blue chips, what is the average (arithmetic mean ) point value of the 8 chips that the player has? (1) The average point value of one red chip and one blue chip is 5. (2) The average point value of the 8 chips that the player has is an integer.
Ans: C 11、一个club里面,会员人数在10到40之间,如果三个人坐一张桌子,剩下来的人刚好每四人坐一张桌子,如果每三个人坐一张桌子,剩下来的人也可以刚好每五个坐一张桌子。问:如果每六个人坐一张桌子,刚好有一桌不足六个人,问这桌有几个人!
答案:5个,这条题目前面两个条件其实就说会员人数x=20t+3,10<x<40,所以t=1,会员总数23人,23除以6余5,所以答案为5 12、有道题以前JJ也有过,就是TV,cableTV,VCD的那题,原JJ作者提供的思路是对的,不过我做时数字换了,记得选了34% AWA AA: 124. The following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of Carlo’s Clothing to the staff. “Since Disc Depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. While the Disc Depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at Carlo’s Clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. In order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for Disc Depot.” Carlo's服饰老板给员工的备忘录:
由于Disc Depot,相邻街区的音像店从去年开始新的电台广告,它的业务显著增长,从商店人流量的大量增加就可以看出。当Disc Depot的老板显然已经足够富有可以退休时,Carlo's服饰的利润3年来一直停滞不变。为了促进我们的销售和利润,我们应该像DiscDepot一样从报纸广告转向经常的电台广告.
AI:13. “Responsibility for preserving the natural environment ultimately belongs to each individual person, not to government.” Verbal部分考得实在不咋样,题目也记得不全,就不误导大家了
Verbal部分考得实在不咋样,题目也记得不全,就不误导大家了 |