这个分数,在大N们看来是不值一提,但是对于我这个大学毕业已经N年,数学已经忘到完, 最近还生了两个仔仔的妈妈来说,实在也不大容易,我已经很满足了. 下午考.原以为新家坡没有什么人考,没想到考场也坐到满了. 我那场没看到有大红本本的中国护照, 只有一个高高瘦瘦的MM好象是上午考的,我们在等时看到她出来,不知道有没有看这个版. 总的感觉是不太难,但是M碰到了几到句难的题,严重打击了我的自信心,估计是GMAC的测试题来者.还好JJ帮了忙,有几到题都没有算就直接选答案了,导致最后M多了17分钟. V 今天主要是PACE不错多了3分钟,虽然没有[碰到什么JJ的题, 居然比PREP 考的还好,呵呵.. AWA:我没看过黄金80,AWA也就是考前两天练了几篇JJ的题(没有考到) AA: 好象是讲一个R&D 公司offer a high benieft Ready-to-Ware package to professional staff. The package is too costly, because the profit declined since the package was offered two years ago. The package has no positive effect too, as the company only achieve marginal sucess in recruiting and training of high-quality professional staff. Therefore, the company should offer a reduced benefit package to professional staff, and use the fund saved to R&D initiatives. 不知道是不是原题,熟悉的NN帮忙看看. AI,经理要divide the complex task to simpler components to the worker 那道. M 1 . PS 碰到一道句难的题,好象是有一个SET I,有30个小数(decimals 不记得是不是POSITIVE了), E是estimated sum of set I, which follows the rules that all the even digits in 10th round up and all the odd digits in 10th round down. Set S is the exact sum of set I, 问what is the possible value of E-S? i) -16 ii) 6 iii) 10 (也可能是16,不记得了) 看了5分钟,也不知道讲什么.后面的同学请补充... 2. DS 有那道三角形好象直角,可是题目没有讲直角,底边有一个点, 求那个顶角的角度的题, 说不清楚,请后面的补充 3. DS 有那个讲French and English 的那个题,前面JJ 有 4. DS 80%swiming pool, or weight or both, 的那个题,前面JJ有 5. 句简单的一题,一个人教钢琴,$32per hour, teach 30 hours per week, if he increase his charge by 20%,and still teach 30 hours, how much will his total income increase. 看到的时候心都凉了..还以为一定挂了 不好意思,宝宝发烧,明天有空想起来在写. 祝大家都考出好成绩! |