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when hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then asked whether they can hear the hypnotist,they reply,"no".some theorists try to explain this result by arguing that the selves of hypnotized subjects are dissociated into separate parts ,and that the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies.

which of following challenges indicates the most serious weakeness in the attempted explanation described above?

(a)why does the part that replies not answer,"yes"?

(b)why are the observes facts in need of any special explanation?

(c)why do the subjects appear to accept the hypnotist'ssuggestion that they are deaf?

 (d)why do  hypnotized subjects all respond the same way in the situation described?

(e)why are the  parts of the self the same for all subjects ?


答案是A 看不出削弱

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i think the explaintion of OG is fairly clear.

it's a circular puzzle

they are "hypnotized" to be deaf-----asked whether they can hear-----answer "no"------the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies

actually they are normal people that can hear

if they use the hearing part like normal, they should answer yes

if they use the deaf part, no response is expected.

so why did they answer "no"? it is not logical. therefore, probably the two parts are not separated

thus undermines the conclusion.


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-23 9:56:35编辑过]






"when hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf and are then asked whether they can hear the hypnotist"

that's what the question assumes, that that's why we don't choose C as the answer






According to the explanation of some theorists, the part that is deaf is dissociated from the part that replies. that is to say, the part that replies is not deaf.

However, when hypnotized subjects are told that they are deaf, why they reply "No" but not "Yes"!!?? which is to say the part that replies is deaf.

So A......



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