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A theory is either true or false, G's observations...showed that the P theory of ....is false. Therefor, since the C theroy isinconsistent with the P account, G's observations ...proved the truth of the C theory.  (具体的一些解释省略了)

The argument above is open to the objection that it makes the questionable assimption that

A whoever first observed something inconsistent with the truth of the P theory should be credited with having peoved that theory false.

B there are some possible observations that would be inconsistent with the account given by the C theory but consistent with the account given by the P theory.

C the P and C theoris,being inconsistent, cannot both be based on exactly the same evidence

D numerous counterexample were necessaty in order to show the P theory to be false.

E the P and C theories, be inconsistent, cannot both be false.

请路过的NN能告知一些这题的思路,我有点晕了^^^^^ 正确答案是E

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本题问题是问错误的假设是什么,答案E:P与C inconsistant,所以它们两个不会同时错.即说明其中一个错,另一个一定对,也即文中的结论 ---  因为Galileo’s证明P错了,所以推出Galileo’s一定可以证明C对了。





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