拿到成绩以后,就冲出了屋子,躲到厕所里哭了一场,三个月的心血终于没有白费,还有,证明了自己不是useless的。 其实现在回想备考的过程,一直以来都没有全情投入,能够得到这样的结果,只能说自己的运气真的不错。昨天晚上一直睡不着觉,紧张的有点胃痉挛,但是今天早上一点事都没有,眼睛也没有因为失眠而酸疼,路上遇到了好心的司机大哥,跟我聊了一路,也不觉得紧张了。考试跟Prep界面基本一致,做过三次模考,所以很熟悉。之前Math我从来没全对过,经常犯弱智错误,所以一直提醒自己要小心。考题有不少陷阱,尤其是DS题,提醒大家一定要小心再小心。Verbal总体感觉比模考和GWD都要容易,阅读每篇都很容易懂,语法基本上都是常规错误,我这种一向凭感觉做题的人都能一下看出考点,逻辑也不难。做完以后感觉不错,不过出分前还是双手合十祈祷了一下^_^ 我今年大四,英语专业,暂时没打算出国,怕以后工作忙,考一个备用。下面奉上少量机经,本人记性不好,很多都想不起来了 AA: B8. The following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine parts manufacturing company at a management meeting: “Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient. It is capable of producing ten drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therefore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production to our other factories will help us to attain that larger goal.” AI: 115. “Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your position with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. RC:文章和题都不难,基本上能看懂文章就不用回去定位 一篇关于蜥蜴的,说一种类型的蜥蜴分化成四个分支,四个分支都可以在四个岛上分别发现,有两种可能:一是蜥蜴只分化一次,游到别的岛上或是四个岛本身是连在一起的,后来才分开;第二种可能是四个分支是分别在四个岛上分化的。 一篇关于80年代美国公司效益有升有降的原因:manager是否决定invest in internal control,such as human resources etc. 一篇关于通过测定珊瑚的一种放射性元素的指标,得出Hawaii岛上部落的发展比之前预想的更早更快 一篇关于对动物族群数量大,降低族群中个体的effort,一个人说因为族群中的动物多了,发现捕食者的几率就大,所以有更多的时间feed, 另一人说族群中的动物多了,被捕食者捉到的几率就小了,作者说,有可能是其他原因 Math:小心有陷阱 有图,选x^3-x那道 给A,B,C三个点坐标,有(-6,-6),剩下的忘了,问三角形ABC的面积,答案29 一个圆形和正方形面积相等,求周长的比
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