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In the United States, the Postal Service has a monopoly on first-class mail, but much of what is sent first class could be transmitted electronically. Electronic transmittal operators argue that if the Postal Service were to offer electronic transmission, it would have an unfair advantage, since its electronic transmission service could be subsidized from the profits of the monopoly.

15. Which of the following, if each is true, would allay the electronic transmittal operators’ fears of unfair competition?

(A) If the Postal Service were to offer electronic transmission, it could not make a profit on first-class mail.

(B) If the Postal Service were to offer electronic transmission, it would have a monopoly on that kind of service.

(C) Much of the material that is now sent by first-class mail could be delivered much faster by special package couriers, but is not sent that way because of cost.

(D) There is no economy of scale in electronic transmission—that is, the cost per transaction does not go down as more pieces of information are transmitted.A

(E) Electronic transmission will never be cost-effective for material not sent by first-class mail such as newspapers and bulk mail.

谁能帮我解释一下这道题是什么意思啊?Electronic transmittal operators 所说的又是什么意思?


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文章中的"it (Postal Service)would have an unfair advantage", 这里的advantage是相对于private operators而言吗?

如果是的话, 这个advantage不是也可以给Postal Service带来monopoly吗? 所以我选了B.

而且,尽管"electronic transmission service could be subsidized from the profits of the monopoly", 也不一定意味"it could not make a profit on first-class mail". 所以A不一定对.


请大家帮助, 谢谢!


注意原文所问的问题:Which of the following, if each is true, would allay (减轻, 减少) the electronic transmittal operators’ fears of unfair competition? 该问题实际上是削弱原文的结论:it would have an unfair advantage. 而在原文中,结论和论据之间的核心连接元素是profits. 找到了这个link of element,你就知道为什么A选项是答案了.


实在不好意思, 把allay看成ally了, 以为有联合、符合的意思,那就变成加强了。




UP,ding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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