我分析了下,这几个 推荐信 必须的部分,不知分析的对不对,请大家指点,
Each referee’s letter (sealed and marked confidential for the attention of ‘The Registrar and Vice-Principal’ must be attached and should address the following issues:
(a) How long has the referee known the applicant and in what position?
EX: :I’ve known Mr. XYZ for more than 4 years. We were colleagues, friends and activities partners.
(b) How does the referee rate the applicant’s academic
ability and motivation?
EX: He is bright, diligent, ambitious, energetic, open-minded, mature and enthusiastic.
(c) What does the referee consider to be the applicant’s main strengths and weaknesses?
(d) Any other relevant
points. 这个部分能够写什么,谢谢
推荐信,还需要哪些内容,谢谢 |