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1。 企业领导人比政府官员更有影响力
2。 在daily gazatte上做广告会提高sales那题。
AA是A和B两个公司都做vedio 产品,B原来因为产品不讨小朋友欢心了就倒闭了,A也会一样。
ai:most effective business leaders should comform to highest ethical standards
11月3日 51,39 太意外了[转帖]
AI technology ultimately separates or alien people than it serves to bring them together
AA Asia Airline 9 of 1000 passengers complaint 那道,考前两天用小安那软件random了一道就是这题,当时想孙远不是讲过么,就没做,后悔呀
1. everyone should play role as an international citizen.
2. 一牛牛发现商店profit increased 20%, customers are happy with one-stop shopping, 于是要加新departments.
AI:12,education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society....
AA:28,commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company's projections. However, commuter use of the shuttle buses that transit people to the subway station is below the projection volume....
AI: which is more important, to be citizen of the world , or citizen of the particular country.
AA: Shipping Mall in Oak city is a mistake, ..., the Elm City should pay attention to the failure and deny to construct such a mall.
AI:MR Sunyuan <> no.68 PAGE:21
Since the physical work environment affects employee productivity and morale, the employees themselves should have the right to decide how their workplace is designed.
AR:MR Sunyuan <>No.95,page :52
Hippocrene Plumbing Supply recently opened a wholesale outlet in the location once occupied by the Comquat Cafe.Hippocrene Plumbing Supply has apparently been quite successful there because it is planing to open a large outlet in a nearby city.But the C cafe,one year after moving to its new location,has seen its volume of business drop somewhat from the previous year's.Clearly, the former site was the better business location, and the C Cafe has made a mistake in moving to its new address.
Discuss how well reasoned.....
AI: 失业是个人问题,而不是政府和企业的问题。
AA:Nova Hgh School 的computer program 在三个subjects当中取得效果,建议其他科目和其他学校都使用这个program
[转帖]JJ: 710 in USA
1. The town Saluda proposes to set up a well-equipped gym to reduce the town's health insurance cost.
2. The best strategy of a business is to give as much power to capable people as possible.
1。关于grocery store要成为no-stop shopping的那一道,应该比较好写。就是说因为pharmacy store生意好,要建clothing section, restaurant等
2。multinational corporation will eliminate differences那一道,就是说跨国公司通过自己的产品,服务让各个地区的人趋同那一道。
[原创]Thank You, CD!
ai: the ability to insist the motion and communicate it with member or the ability to plan, which one is more important
aa: employees show enthusiasm about management
AI: 36, Team vs. individual,
AA: 33: Coffee vs. Cola
AA两年前一个学校的什么COMPUTER INTERACTIVE 应用后,DROPOUT就减低了,然后就说要用到其他的功课上以及其他这个地区的其他学校里.
AI 就是公司的成功要发现个能人,然后给他最大的权力.
[转帖]考G归来, 郁闷中
AI: 那些能做自己要求别人做的事的人才能成为领导.
AA12: G报说到其报上做减价广告有利于销售. 还举了一个DOWNTOWN STORE 的例子, 说调查了200人中有多少个是看了广告的, 其中30%的人还消费超过100元.
[转帖]11月14日,南大, 功亏一篑
AA先考, HELIOS CITY 那题,好象是AA第6
AI :雇主无权知道员工的私人信息(准备到了,写的如水银泻地,爽,可是总分不爽,哎)
[原创]11/12 部分机经
[转帖]11月14日 上外: M49 V41
AI 是分析公司是否应该以incentives来促进员工的performance,作者认为不应该,因为这会鼓励那些不正当的行为而不是对工作的真正兴趣。
AA 是说有200个学生游行抗议经费的缩减,还有12000个学生没有参加游行,评论员认为这12000个学生代表绝大多数大学生对此事不感兴趣,所以州政府不必理会这次游行。
Issue: 147. (补充7) Highly skilled employees who are ambitious, self-motivated and self-sufficient are more likely to be harmful than beneficial to an organization based on teamwork
Argument: 38. The following appeared in the editorial of a campus newspaper.
“Because occupancy rates for campus housing fell during the last academic year, so did housing revenues. To solve the problem, campus housing officials should reduce the number of available housing unit, thereby increasing the occupancy rates. Also, to keep students from choosing to live off campus, housing official should lower the rents, thereby increasing demand.
aa 说有个杂志上作某种器械广告,杂志买得好。某社区的健身房也应按这种器械
ai 36
AA:不应该改变speed limits,原因可以从某城市改变的后果看出,某城市在改变speed limits后,accidents增长了3%。
AI: 111、“最有效率的企业领导是保持最高道德标准的人。”
[原创]11月17 日北美机经
AA:34. “the easy credit company would gain an advantage over competing card services if we were to donate a portion of …..”
AI: 45. “the most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics.”
issue是关于there is a more signal that people should be respectful of another.(记不全了)
argue关于一个Ree杂志市场部通过一个survey(85%of the 450 respondents complaint that there is too much ads on the magazine)得出最近公司应该减少广告,以提高消费者满意度和公司的销售收入。
[原创]mmd, 不考了
aa是说一家杂志(real)最近销路下降,survey among customers who have canceled subsicription in the recent 9 months shows that 80% of 495 respondents feels to many ads. so the author proposed to reduce ads to improve.
issue: in everywhere, there are signs of more & more people are respectful to each other's difference
[原创]11.18 CA
ai,constant invation and change damage an organizaion
[原创]一点帮助~~~(11.17 canada)
一题是提倡用solar energy products 的,一个是 consistent innovation and change will damage an organization or will improve it.
1. 一个企业的领导是否应该将道德标准放在最优先的位置。
2. 说某城市的某个地域有高尔夫球场,电影院 和什吗游乐场,在过去的两年里经历50%的利润增长。所以有个建议说,应该在这个城市的另一个地域也建立类似的三个娱乐场所。这样一来,这个地域在未来也会经历类似的利润增长,并且会对其整个的经济状况带来改观。问其中的推理不足之处。
[转帖]一點 jj
aa our total sales have increased this year by 20 persent ......the customer's main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shop......
ai which is more important ?? to be citizen of theworld or to bethe citizen of the particular country....
[转帖]11月18日 上外
1.finance is the most important factor in choosing a career.
2. Since the profit in the three companies (club,..,..,)increased in the last two years,Company Capital should invest funds in three companies in the other district,further the author recommends that any costomer consumes in the two companies will be given a discount ,so these measures will increase their profit.
[转帖]From Seoul
AI : 跨国公司的兴起正在使各地的差异消失。
AA: Alpha公司正裁员,B~公司应用Alpha裁下来的人,以获得信息和减少training费用
[原创]11/20 北美
AI(OG-131): Governments should not be responsible for regulating business ans organizations. Instead...
AW: The Easy Company...
AI: 政府不应该负责商业管理,而应该由商业和组织自己管理。
AA: 一个咖啡馆改了位置后,生意不好,而另外一个水管企业搬到了它原来的位置,生意好了,说明搬家时咖啡馆生意不好的原因。
AI: 政府不应该负责商业管理,而应该由商业和组织自己管理。
AA: 一个咖啡馆改了位置后,生意不好,而另外一个水管企业搬到了它原来的位置,生意好了,说明搬家时咖啡馆生意不好的原因。
AI:商业领袖们(leaders)的目标(aim)应该是WINNING, 而不是COMPROMISE.
AA: 一个公司的老板说, 某公司去年做了radio advertisement后, 其利润比前几年要高. 证据是步行来的客人增加了. 而我们公司(说话的这个人)只在NEWSPAPER上做广告. 所以我们也应该做radio advertisement. (奇怪, 我刚才怎么没有查到这个题目)
Ai: job security and salary should base on performance instead of years of service
Aa: depot disc advertise with radio, therefore Carlo’s clothing store should adopt the same method, shifting the advertisement on newpapers to radio.
[转帖]11月21, 人大东, 杀鸡无力,阳光依旧
2。调查表明十家公司的员工佩带BADGE,他们没有EMPLOYEE THEFT,所以要建议其他的公司也这么做。
AI:the ability to plan and to organize and the ability to communicate and to inspire workers. which is most important for a leader of an organization.
AA 14.the following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.
“two years ago nova high school began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. the school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. in future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”
discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
AI :34.“all citizens should be required to perform a specified amount of public service. such service would benefit not only the country as a whole but also the individual participants.”
discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
AI:100. “如果一个国家要确保它的经济成功,它必须保持有高度竞争力的教育系统,在其中学生们相互竞争,还和国外的学生进行竞争。”
AA:10. 地方性报纸的编者按:
AI: 哈哈是我练习写过的并且考试那天早上翻出来看了一遍的No.57
AA:竟然是没练过的! No.19.
11月21日 白云山的迷茫[转贴]
issue 81、“no one can possibly achieve any real and lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking.”
argument 2、the following appeared in a memorandum from the business department of the apogee company.
“when the apogee company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. therefore, the apogee company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”
argument, 服装店和music store
AI 保護環境的責任在於個人而非政府
AA是有個社論說某高中的升學率遠低於鄰近私立高中, 建議要像私立高中的, 課程總數減少, 內容要改成比較基礎的,而且還能降低COST
AA:孙远124 the following appeared in a memorandum from the owner of carlo’s clothing to the staff.
“since disc depot, the music store on the next block, began a new radio advertising campaign last year, its business has grown dramatically, as evidenced by the large increase in foot traffic into the store. while the disc depot’s owners have apparently become wealthy enough to retire, profits at carlo’s clothing have remained stagnant for the past three years. in order to boost our sales and profits, we should therefore switch from newspaper advertising to frequent radio advertisements like those for disc depot.
AI孙远18“if the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society.”
[原创]11.24 奇迹没有发生
[原创]11月24日 败得一塌糊涂 !
AI, 说政府不应该为制定那些商业规则而负有责任,而是社会上的各种组织自身应该为此负责。
AA, No 54 水果产量变化,然后水果种植者应该负责,然后制定法令限制 那道
ai:孙远范文6, issue 18
if the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when he corporation must also acknowledge a duty to serve society.
AA: 85
[原创]1124 GMAT....
AI學校是否指注重technology 和science 不用教art 和humanities
AA:有個公司要投資 a world theme park因為近年很多人出國..且這個park會像她們公司另一個projecy space park一樣成功
Issue: 9
Argument 47
ai: education has been the key to success instead of money and property.(黄金80的一道)
AA就是一道电台广告使CAFE销售率(或者profit增加),然后结论要business profit增加,就要多做电台广告。
[转帖]11.24 上外归来
Issue . 一个ambitious 的人对一个团队是有害而不是有利。
argument , Oak City 建了个商业中心,导致诸多不良后果。 Elm City 应该否决建商业中心的提议。
1: 员工在公司涉及私事那道
2: 咖啡公司作广告那道
aa:200个学生travel to capitol to protest那道,我记得是题库里前20道里的
ai:环保的责任ultimately belong to government, or each individual person
AWA考的是两个市长哪个好的问题,就是那个一个在位时人口下降,失业率上升,另一个正相反的AA,还有AI是人们做事时,不应该只看结果,应该focus on task at hand那个,都很好写,谢天谢地
AI“the most effective business leaders are those who maintain the highest ethical standards.”
AA “advertising the reduced price of selected grocery items in the daily gazette will help you increase your sales. consider the results of a study conducted last month. thirty sale items from a store in downtown marston were advertised in the gazette for four days. each time one or more of the 30 items was purchased, clerks asked whether the shopper had read the ad. two -thirds of the 200 shoppers asked answered in the affirmative. furthermore, more than half the customers who answered in the affirmative spent over $100 at the store.”
ai:“public buildings reveal much about the attitudes and values of the society that builds them. today’s new schools, courthouses, airports, and libraries, for example, reflect the attitudes and values of today’s society.”
aa: “the construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown oak city was a mistake. since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby oak city park. elm city should pay attention to the example of the oak city mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in elm city.”
[原创]11-24 北美
AI 16
AA 6
Argument uring the first four years when M is the mayor of city of XX, the population has decreased and unemployment rate has increased. More businesses have closed. But in the four years when V was the mayor, the population increased and unemployment rate decreased. Therefore, the residents of the city would be better served if they have reelected V as the mayor.
Issue:Courtesy is rapidly disappearing in the everyday interactions. Therefore we are all the poorer of it.
[原创]菩萨显灵 终于解脱了-惊心动魄的考试过程
AI: It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.
AA: job market for people seeking cellege teaching positions will improve ... last two decades are hardship while recent decade is better... 大概意思吧 记不住了 很长的题目
AI: A powerful business leader has far more opportunity to influence the course of a community or a nation than does any government official.
AA: (没念到过这题目) A钢琴制造公司利润下降,因为别家公司引进电子钢琴生产线并且大卖,所以A钢琴公司应该也仿效.
[原创]11/26 美国西雅图
ai: skilled employees are more harmful than beneficial to the company based on team works
aa: 电子版的书越来越多, 而且有个 survey .....所以公司应该投资电子版的 literary classics.
2.the following is a memorandum to the president of the ez-manufacturing company from the manager of cafeteria services.
“offering pizza in our cafeteria has proved extremely profitable. to further increase our profits from pizza sales, we should switch to pdq pizzeria to supply our pizza. pdq pizza was twice voted the ‘best pizza’ in the neighboring town of hamiltonia in an online survey of hamiltonia gazette readers. the pdq branch in our town sells pizzas for only slightly more than our cafeteria currently does and offers free daily delivery. switching to pdq pizza will clearly improve satisfaction with our cafeteria and hence increase the cafeteria’s profits.”
discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
37.“since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”
AI :孙远绿皮书第131题
Ai:141 AA:16作文因为之前都看过,心里有数,所以还比较顺利。。
AWA1: Investment in Pizza, Theater, Golf Club in Irongate District because of Park Hill District…
AWA2: Government shouldn’t regulate businesses
AA 是113。讲法国酒和意大利酒的
[原创]Toronto, 11.26; 720
1. the most efficient leaders will maintain the highest ethical standards.
2. 根据调查是由于广告数量导致订阅下降,建议减少广告以增加收入和订阅量。
ai: 管理者应该给员工仔细分工,每个员工有自己的工作内容便于
[原创]27 Dec. H.K.
AI: 新题 government should lace stricter limits on the ability of busnesses to invade citizens' privacy through telemarketing, e-mail, advertising, collection of personal information on consumers, and so on, even if those limits affect businesses' profitability and competitiveness.
AA: 125
AI:57. “看来有明显和确实的迹象说明所有地方的人们都变得对彼此的不同越来越尊重。”
AA: 我查了题库N遍,硬是没找着,但是我很有印象,是我发晕,还是新题?:某钢琴公司应仿效另一家引进数字钢琴生产线以提高销售和利润。
[原创]11/26 谢谢CD!
AI “人们要在不牺牲实现个人生活的重要方面的情况下达到专业成功是很难的。”
AA 制造高价handful钢琴的公司决定要改制造低价的digital钢琴来增加销售量 那题…
[原创]11.28 JJ
ai : can you tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements ?(我不知題號 sorry)
aa: corporations seeking new location , 老慮 helios city 那一題
AI: 赚钱多是选择职业的最重要因素。
AA music store switch to radio advertising and win good business
AI the most effective way for business leaders to maximize profits is to follow the highest ethical standards
[原创]11。26 感谢cd
aa: 61.Beta 公司应该招聘被Alpha公司裁掉和提前退休的人员。
ai:87. 是个人还是企业,政府对失业负责。
aa: 去helios寻找商机,那里失业率低,是工业中心
ai: 做global citizen 还是particular country的citizen
AI :雇主是否有权不经允许知道雇员个人信息。
AI:people need to understand that their role as citizens of the world is important than their role as citizens of a particular country.
AA:volunteer ambulance service & commercial ambulance service
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-30 18:08:40编辑过] |