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1。(Degler does more than merely summarizing) existing research.
a.Degler does more than merely summarizing
b.Degler does more than merely summarize

why choose b instead of a?(more than 前后不是应该并列吗? [em20]

2。An attempt to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment , begun almost two decades ago, has been successful despite efforts by many important groups ,including the National Organizational for Women.

这里的begun 引导的从句是不是修饰an attempt ?是不是这种过去分词都是修饰真正的主语An attempt,而不是与它紧相连的那个名词,如Equal Rights Amendment?

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1 感觉上 summarize 和  does并列,

if a is correct , the complete sentence could be

D does more things than merely he does summarizing existing research.

If b is correct,

D does more than he summarize existing research

I think B is better

2 对, 因为分词的省略结构肯定是修饰句字的逻辑主语


The growth of the railroads led to the abolition of local times,(determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differing )from city to city ,and to the establishment of regional times.
这句话里修饰的是local times,而不是the growth,对吗?


Discard2, I think you have proposed very question.

Sunny and, Tongxun, can you explain??


1.i choose b, here 'exsiting' is used to be adj. to modify research, meant research already existed. so, Delger does more than merely summarize existing research, meant Delger does summarize the existing research and also do sothing else related to existing research.
2. begun almost two decades ago,here not refer to 'attempt', but'the Equal Rights Amendment', the complete sentense should be which was begun two decades ago  
personal opinions


更多的时候是做定从,这时就要和所修饰的逻辑主语保持一致The growth of the railroads led to the abolition of local times,(determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differing )from city to city ,and to the establishment of regional times.
这里,括号里的是对LOCAL TIMES的unlimited attributive-clause
my personal opinion, for reference only



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