39 current MBA students are traveling to China to learn about the culture and the customs particular to that part of the world and doing business in the region. They are looking forward to meeting their more experienced counterparts and getting to know them! The McCombs School of Business Global Connections Program
The McCombs MBA Alumni Network
cordially invite you to join newly admitted students, current students and alumni at an MBA reception in Shanghai, China
Reception Information: Date: Thursday, March 8th, 2007 Time: 18:30-22:00 Location: Banquet Hall on Floor 6, The Bund Hotel (上海金外滩宾馆) No.525, Guangdong Road, Shanghai (上海市广东路525号) Telephone: +86 21 6352 2000
Beijing, China Reception Information: Date: Thursday, March 15th, 2007 Time: 18:30-22:00
Location: Banquet Hall on Floor 2, Beijing Prime Hotel (北京华侨大厦) No. 2, Wangfujing Avenue, Beijing (北京市王府井大街2号, 中国美术馆对面) Telephone: + 86 10 5816 9999 Website: http://primehotel.cn/