AWA: AA: 6. The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life. “Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.” AI: 42. “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. MATH: 数学是我今天最郁闷的地方,首先题库好像换了,没有一道见过的,更让我郁闷的是DS题没有连起来,每一两道DS题后就是一道计算题,不难但是有两道是算的数字比较大,做的时候就一直犯嘀咕,结果math51说明可能gmac把计算量大的题也作为难题了,另外提醒一下,我今天数学的前几道题有点故意压速度,结果后面时间有点紧张。记得题目不多: 1. Y=aX^2 + bX + c, 问 a = ? 条件1:这条曲线过两个点(), (1, 0), 前面一个具体数字忘了 条件2:点(-1,4) ,数字不敢肯定,是最高点(他的表述好像是其他点都比这个点低) 我选C 2. b 是一个正整数,1~9,X= 1+ b/100, 问b=? 条件1:1<=b<=3 条件2:10X^2 的千分位=X^2的百分位 我选C 3. 最小的30个正整数的平均值比最小的30个非负整数的平均值大多少 我选的1 4. 一个等腰三角形求周长 条件1:一边是5,一边是6 条件2:面积是12 我选C 5.是一个多边形不知道怎么传图片, 大概就是下面画的这个意思,标X的两段没有给长度,其他的长度都给了,标在图上,要求周长 _______________________________ | ______X______| | X | |_______________________ |__________________________________________| 6. 一个公司的产品卖给250个(具体数字忘了)zipcode的地区, 分别在notheast, c, a, b 四个州,在northeast的zipcode是c的2倍,是a的4倍,是b的5/4, 然后在C州有 多少个retailer, 平均每个retailor卖多少product,问在C州平均每个zipcode能卖多少product 不难,计算步骤比较多而已,数字也很好算 7. 两个公交车,一个45miles/hour, 一个60miles/hour, 一段路,慢的比快的多走了5.5小时,问这段路有多长 8. [(x+y)/(x-y)]*[(1/x-1/y)/(1/x+1/y)] 答案-1 CR: 说给鱼的饲料,一种蔬菜的饲料比较好营养全面,另一种V的饲料不好,但是养鱼的人比较喜欢V饲料,因为V饲料鱼爱吃,而且长肉快。 然后有一种新的ocean饲料,长肉快营养全面,缺点是比较贵,用它来喂鱼得不偿失,但是生产者个新ocean饲料的公司认为这种新饲料会在经济上成功 问那个justify这个公司的人的说法 我选得是A,说是这种新饲料可以和蔬菜饲料混着用 RC:
1。有一道说环境污染 P1: 很多company认为控制环境污染会增加不必要的cost,然后作者反驳说环境污染会带来一些潜在的cost, 然后举了几个例子(这里有一道考题问整个潜在的cost怎么解释,我选得是环境污染会在其他方面产生cost, 原文表述这个潜在的cost用了一个什么词我忘了) P2: 类比说defect,以前公司认为defect是不可避免的,减少defect会增加公司的cost, 但是后来发现,通过改进流程可以减少defect也不会增加cost(有一道题问这段的作用,我选得是类比那个) P3: 总结说环境污染也可以像defect一样被控制 2. 说一个天文现象
P1: 说太阳的亮度,能量什么的比较恒定,不会突然爆发,一个什么activity 的rate 比较moderate, 然后类推说其他亮度,表面温度和太阳差不多的应该也有类似的性质,比较moderate. 然后转折,说但是发现了9个新的星星,亮度,表面温度和太阳差不多,但是,比太阳active很多。 P2: 给了一个解释说年轻的星星转速比较快,也比较active,但是几个人发现这9个星星和太阳一样,转速都不快,都是中年星星 P3: 说这个发现有问题,举了两个因素可能会导致对转速的低估, 后面再有一点反驳,举了个证据说这几个星星转的比较快。 题目比较简单,忘记了 哦,还有一道GWD上的RC: GWD22: Q4 to Q6: Frazier and Mosteller assert that medical research could be improved by a move toward larger, simpler clinical Line trials of medical treatments. Currently, (5) researchers collect far more background information on patients than is strictly required for their trials—substantially more than hospitals collect—thereby escalating costs of data collection, storage, and (10) analysis. Although limiting information collection could increase the risk that researchers will overlook facts relevant to a study, Frazier and Mosteller contend that such risk, never entirely eliminable (15) from research, would still be small in most studies. Only in research on entirely new treatments are new and unexpected vari- ables likely to arise. Frazier and Mosteller propose not (20) only that researchers limit data collec- tion on individual patients but also that researchers enroll more patients in clinical trials, thereby obtaining a more represen- tative sample of the total population with (25) the disease under study. Often research- ers restrict study participation to patients who have no ailments besides those being studied. A treatment judged successful under these ideal conditions can then (30) be evaluated under normal conditions. Broadening the range of trial participants, Frazier and Mosteller suggest, would enable researchers to evaluate a treat- ment’s efficacy for diverse patients under (35) various conditions and to evaluate its effectiveness for different patient sub- groups. For example, the value of a treatment for a progressive disease may vary according to a patient’s stage of (40) disease. Patients’ ages may also affect a treatment’s efficacy. 这道一看作过,就没有仔细读,一边看题一边会原文找,结果反而浪费了时间,大家吸取教训 好了,实在想不起来别的了,还有,另外几个注意事项: 1. 我前十道题做得比较慌张只用了16分钟左右,有两个CR没看懂题就大概猜了一个答案,建议大家休息的时候深呼吸,先把心跳降下来 2. 我做到40题是一个boldface题,当时还剩将近4分钟,但是一看到boldface就激动了一下,看了三遍没看懂,结果只好蒙了一个。。。不应该阿。。。 3. 作完了以后要填一些信息,何在mba网站上的一样,而且如果你以前在网上填过的话,他会记住结果的,最后一个页面问是要cancel 还是report score, 默认是cancel, 我前面一路next过来,这里根本没看就next,然后弹出来对话框好像说不能cancel, 一身冷汗阿。。。。现在还心有余悸,大家千万小心,不要在这里一不留神把它cancel了 最后 祝大家好运