C Information on political issues disseminated through information services does not come almost entirely from advocacy groups that share a single bias. C取非说:现代信息传播是完全来自于拥有某一观念的鼓吹者,(既然这样那就是说不平衡了,就是垄断了)直接削弱结论
关于A,信息服务能够让很多人都知道某一党派的理论(比如民主党),当然也可以让很多人知道另一党派的理论, 如果取非:信息服务不能够让足够多的人知道,也就是不完全平衡了,也可能削弱原文结论,但削弱的没有C那样的无耻! almost entirely NOT EQUAL TO enough people 差别还是有
Information services are accessible to enough people to ensure that political advocacy groups can use these services to reach as large a percentage of the public as they could through traditional news sources.
所以还是觉得C要好一些 |