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1.        Describe an important letter or poem or story that youhave written

On my grandma’s sixtieths birthday, I wrote astory about the love and life of my grandma and grandpa. Actually it’s his ideathat to use this story as the birthday present for my grandma. Grandpa is tooold to write it down, so he said and I was responsible for record. In order togive grandma a big surprise, every time grandpa and I told her we would have awalk, actually we went to the coffee shop near around and wrote this story. Whengrandma read it on birthday, she was so movedand couldn’t help crying, so did grandpa. I was sohappy that I could help them to writedown what they have experienced.

2.        是否同意:peopleshould always remain honest

I know how hard it is to remain honest becausesometimes the truth really hurts people’s heart. However, I still have to saylying is always wrong and we should remain honest, otherwise, the situation mayget worse. During the second year in college, my friend Armada was depressedcus she failed in the chemistry midterm exam, however, at the same time, I knew her boyfriend cheated on her. it was so hard forme to tell her the truth but I had to cuz I am her friend and I wanted toprotect her. Eventually, I told her.Fortunately, she was strong. As a friend, I accompaniedher though the tough time.

3.        是否同意:governmentshould rebuild the city

Personally, I agree with the idea and I havetwo reasons. First, consider about the traffic jam during the rush hour, thecity has to reconstruct its transportation system. I recommend the governmentto build more subways or add more shifts of public busesduring the rush hour. Otherwise, no company would like to invest heredue to the terrible traffic situation.

Second, with more and more migrant workersliving in the city, the population is rising, the government should considerabout their living conditions. I think they can replace the old houses with thetall buildings which can contain more people.

4.        是否同意:it’snot good for first year students to live in the same dormitory with seniorstudents.

Personally, I don’t agree with this statement cuzmy personal experience tells me that living with senior students has somebenefits. First, one can get familiar with the campus quickly with the help ofsenior. When I first came to the university, I knew nothing about the campus,such us the location of teaching building, or gym, it was my roommate, lily,who was a second year student, told me everything and even guided me around thecampus. Second, she also told me lots of valuable information about the electivecourses, such as which one was fun, which one had lots of work. Thanks to herhelp, I had a very happy year.

5.        说一个你希望参加的组织,为什么

There is a volunteer organization in myuniversity. It arranges students to teach in a primary school that containsmigrant workers’ children in our community. Migrantworkers are usually poor and can’t afford the high tuition of prestigeschools, so they send children to this publicschool. However, the school doesn’t have enough teachers. The main reason Iwant to join this volunteer group is because I can help the children. Besides,since I major in sociology, the study of migrant workers is an important topic.I can learn more about their life if I take part inthis volunteer work.

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6.        one long period for a whole week or several periods andseveral times for a week,喜欢哪种学习方式
Personally, I prefer studying several timesfor a week and I have two reasons. First of all, effective learning requiresfull concentration. However, it’s really hard for me to concentrate longer than2 hours. Therefore, I always separate my work into several parts and finishthem one by one.
Second, intensiveacademic life is quite stressful. Studying at the desk and keeping the same posturefor a whole day may cause several health issues, such as obesity. So I’d like to study for a while and do some physicalactivities like having a walk to relax my body.
7.        朋友有机会去离家很远的town工作,去不去
I will encourage my friend to accept this workand I have several reasons. First, a good job not only provides decent salarybut also personal satisfaction. This job is exactly this type of job and I don’twant my friend to miss this opportunity. Second, I knowit is far from home, As an adult, you can’t always count on your families andfriends to help you every time you have difficulties. it’s a good chance tolearn to live independently. Third, one can make new friends when moves toanother place and these friends help broaden your horizon, just think about howdifferent your friends from college and from your hometown.
8.        一本没有读过但是很重要的书
I major in sociology and there is a bookrecommended by many professors called The Sociological Imagination, written byan American sociologist whose name is Wright Mills. I haven’t read itbut I think it’s worth reading for several reasons. First, Mills points outseveral problems of the studies of sociology at that time, such as putting toomuch emphasison grand theory rather than facts. Although 50 yearshave passed,his criticism is still valuable.
Second, he suggests a methodto combine studiesof sociology and history. It inspires many scholars to explore new questions.
9.        all the time带着手机好,还是不all thetime
Personally, I’d like to carry my cellphone allthe time and I have several reasons. First, a cellphone means instantcommunication. The very reason why people buy a cellphone is to makeconnections convenient and fast. With a cellphone, anytime anywhere my friendsand families can find me and I can contact with them. This is especially important when there is anemergency.
Second, most of today’s cell phones areso-called “smart phone”. Consider how much we’ve come to rely on these gadgetsfor storing pictures, contacts and personal information; moreover, it providesconnection to the internet and types of entertainment that make our lives moreinteresting.

10.     喜欢到哪里shopping
The Good Luck shopping Mall is well known inmy hometown. I love this place for several reasons.
First, it is a so-called ‘one-stop’ shoppingmall that contains a wide variety of shops, ranging from Wal-Mart, Burger Kingto a Thinkpad outlet. I can get anything I want there.
Second, it has a very impressive art design suchas sculptures, eye-catching window displays and comfortable chairs outdoor.Therefore, it’s such a pleasure to shop there, even just a window shopping.
Also, it has a good security system. You cansee there are many security officers on duty, so I always feel safe there.


11.     is itimportant to study the history of ancestors
It’s definitelyimportant to study the history of our ancestorsand I have several reasons. First, learning the history leads us to a better present andfuture. For example, United Nations now plays an important role ininternational cooperation. It’s because people learnt a lesson from the SecondWorld War and realize negotiation is much better than fighting.
Second, there will be no trueunderstanding of the present without knowledge of the past. For example, as a Chinese, learning China’smiserable history in the beginning of 20th century helps meunderstand why my country puts so much emphasis on technology development now.
|| 'ænsestə]安
12.     生活中make your life easier的tool
My laptop makesmy life easier in many aspects. First, it makes my studymore efficient. Say I want to search the literature of ‘American UrbanDevelopment’, all I need to do is to visit the e-library of my university anddownload the literature. In the past, I had to go tothe library and buried me couple of days in numerous books.
When it turns to everyday life, social media, such as twitter and facebookare extremely prevalent these days. As long as there is Internet connection, Ican contact with my friends any time anywhere I want
13.     工作环境中最重要的是好的同事、好的老板or C
Personally, Ithink a good boss is of greatest importance when it comes to workingenvironment and I have two reasons.
First, a good jobnot only provides decent salary, but also personalsatisfactory. And it’s your boss who decides your salary and what type of work youshall do. A good boss knows how to bring out thebest in their subordinates.
Second, it’s theboss who determines the atmosphere of the office. If he/she is open-minded and always trust the subordinates,I bet the atmosphere in the office is democratic and warm. Therefore, workerscan be creative and efficient.
14.     cellphone是否大大提高人类生活
Personally, I agreethat our lives get a remarkable improvement thanksto cell phone and I have several reasons. First, a cell phone means instantcommunication. It makes people’s connection convenient and fast. With acellphone, anytime anywhere my friends and families can find me and I can contact with them. Thisis especially important when there is an emergency.
Second, most oftoday’s cell phones are so-called “smart phone”. Considerhow much we’ve cometo rely on these gadgets for storing pictures, contacts and personal information; moreover, itprovides connection to the internet and types of entertainment that make our lives moreinteresting.
15.     想做个什么样的志愿者
I always want tobe a volunteer to help the migrant workers inbig cities. There is a volunteer group in my university. It arranges studentsto teach in a primary school that contains migrant workers’ children in ourcommunity. Because migrant workers are usuallypoor and can’t afford the high tuition of prestige primary schools,they send children to this public school. However, the school doesn’thave enough teachers. The main reason I want to jointhis volunteer group is because I can help the children. Besides, sinceI major in sociology, the study of migrant workers is an important topic. I canlearn more about their lives if I take part inthis volunteer work.


16.     描述一个你觉得重要的但是没有interest 的subject,细节和例子
We are in the Information age and every aspectof my life relies on computer. For example, Iuse computer to download literature to write my thesis, to visit Facebook andTwitter to update my statues and contact with my friends. Therefore, I thinkcomputer science is a subject of great importance.
However, I am notinterested in it at all cuz I think the knowledge of computer science is veryabstract, for example, it uses binary system rather than decimal. However, I preferknowledge that is concrete, such as the historicalbackground of certain events.
'steɪtəs] 'baɪnərɪ] decimal system || 'desɪml]
17.     watchmovies home/cinema
Personally, Iprefer watching movies in cinema and I have several reasons. First, there is nodoubt cinema has much better equipments, just consider about the fascinating acoustics.
Moreover, the 3Dmovies are so prevalent these days and ordinarypeople can’t afford a 3D screen at home, so gothe cinema is the only choice.
Second, go to seemovies at cinema is a kind of social activitiesyou can share with your friends. Well, you go tothe cinema together, buy some snakes and talk about the plots immediately afterwatching it and maybe you have dinner together! Isn’t it more interesting thanwatching alone at home?
18.     Describewhy organize time is difficult for university students and why is it important?
Well I think themain reason why organizing time is difficult for university students is theyhave so many goals to achieve during collage life. You need to get the diploma,you need to exercise, you need to find you passion in life and all that.Therefore, learn to balance is vital. For example, when I was a junior, I spenttoo much time on learning. Although I got all A in my courses, I ended up withno friends. So the second year, I joined a students’interest group. It helped me to make new friends, broaden my horizon. Ifeel really great. Academic achievement is good, but balance in life is better.
19.     Internet/classroomeducation
Well I don’tthink that one day Internet would replace classroom education. First, abstractknowledge is important when I learn something new, but I also need to see otherpeople’s faces and feel the sense of unity.
Second, Iremember when I was studying computer science back in college, my friend lily offered technical andemotional support. She showed me how to use the Excel to draw graph andduring break, we talked about each other’s life and dreams. I mean I could get the knowledge throughwebsite but the sense of closeness is not something you can achievethrough a camera.
20.     mathstudy suggestion
I don’t think oneshould worry about it cuz I have several valuable suggestions. First, in orderto understand the abstract knowledge about math, you need to takenotes during class and review them frequently.
Andalso, in order to improve your study efficiency, I suggest you to join a study group. When I was studying mathback in collage, I failed in the midterm but later Ijoined a math club and got a B plus in the final because members offeredboth technical and emotional support. They encouraged me and helped me revisemy homework, we exchanged each other’s opinions about problems.


21.     savemoney/borrow money to buy item
Well, I like thesecond option. For example, I wanna buy a new camera since I am an amateur photographer. I’m willing to save enough money myself.I have two reasons. First, we are all students; my friends are struggling for their lives, too.Every month, students at least need to pay for their food and traffic. Not to mentionthat they have their own items to buy.
Second, I feelgreat if I can make money by doing part-time job. I get money to buy what Iwant as well as work experience to prepare my future.
22.     suggestionsfor friends who starts to work
Well, I’ve twosuggestions for my friend. First, you’d better do something with the way youdress. As a college student, we all like T shirts and even slippers. However,as an employee, you need to wear suits with dark blue or black.
Second, you need toperfect his social skills. In the college, you can avoid contacting with peopleyou don’t like. However, in the company, it’s better to get along well witheveryone for the sake of your social network. Also, with good social skills,you can have a great relationship with your clients.
23.     shouldyoung children have their own cell phone?
Personally, Idon’t have anything against young kids using cell phone, as long as their parents can afford to buyone for them. I’ve two reasons. First of all, a cell phone means instantcommunication. If there’s a serious emergency, like anearthquake, even the teacher and the children may lose contact. In thissituation, if kids have cell phone, parents can immediately know whether theyare safe or not.
Second, childrenneed to develop their social skills when they are young. Therefore, they cankeep in touch with their friends with a cell phone.
24.    你的朋友要选专业你有什么建议/一个人不知道选什么专业然后你的建议
I have two suggestions. First is to thinkabout your interest. For example, I want to be a journalist since I was a kidbecause I think as a journalist, you can protect theinterest for disadvantage groups in society. It’s pretty cool. I followmy heart and do pretty well now. But one of my classmates quitted last yearbecause she chose this major only following the will of her parents. The secondsuggestion is to consider about the job market. I mean eventually, you need touse what you learn to make money, so make sure you can find a job aftergraduation.
25.     Doyou agree or disagree that eating healthy food is much easier now than 40 or 50years ago?
I agree with this. It’s easier for peoplenowadays to get and eat healthy food, comparing to the past. There are at leasttwo crucial factors contribute to this change. First is modern technology, Forexample, people in the past might drink milk immediately after the purchase,otherwise the milk would go bad and becomeunhealthy. Now with refrigerator, we can keep it for a longer period of time.Second is the more convenient transportation system. Highwaysand airlines help to bring the healthy food to us very fast


26.     电脑对于学生来说是不是很重要,为什么越来越重要,对学习有帮助吗?
Since we are living inthe information age, it makes sense that computer is more and moreimportant in student’s study. First, it’s moreconvenient to get information through computer. For example, I rememberwhen I was writing a thesis on American urban development, I spent about a weekin the library. But now, I can log on our university’s e-library and downloadthe literature at home. Second, it’s also more convenient to discuss with yourclassmates through computer. We don’t need to find a place, sit downand order coffee. With G-talk or skype, we can discuss anytime anywhere wewant.
27.     你是否同意:people should state honest opinions even thoughthey are different from other’s
Personally, I agree with this statement. Ihave two reasons. First, to be different is not a crime; on the contrary, weshould appreciate difference since different ideas are always creative. Forexample, when I was an intern in a public relationship company, we wereorganizing an activity; I thought it should start with dancing rather than aspeech. I said it honestly, and the ceremony turned out to be very impressive.Second, when you speak outyour idea honestly, your friends can communicate with you effectively.No one likes to make friends with people who always tell lies or keep silence.
28.     talkabout an composition that is important to you, ex: essay\poem\letter andexplain the reasons
On my sixteen’s birthday, my mom gave me thenovel GONE WITH THE WIND. It means a lot to me not only because it’s a birthdaypresent but also the content of the novel. Ialways remember how Scarlet, the main character, tried her best to reconstruct her home after the civil war. Her courageand independence inspire me when I am depressed.
Also, it was the first time I began to beinterested in American history, culture as well as American literature. Becauseof this interest, I choseAmerican literature as my major in college.
29.     有的城市主张保留老建筑,有的城市拆除,你主张哪个,为什么?
Personally, I prefer to preserve oldarchitecture. I have two reasons. First, old architecture keeps the history of the city or even the nation.Please consider about the Forbidden City in BJ ,which records thewisdom of our ancestors and helps us to understand ourselves better. Therefore, pulling down old architecture is like erasinghistory.
Second, the city can make profits bypreserving old architecture. Take Paris as an example,  old architecture there attracts lots oftravelers. Tourism really contributes a lot to Paris’s economy.
30.     你喜欢参加哪种类型的volunteer 活动,school 的?community 的?
I like volunteer work in school and I have tworeasons. First, volunteer work in school helps me make friends my own age; we face similarproblems and have more topics to discuss. For example, my school has avolunteer group. It arranges volunteer students to teach junior students some life skills. My best friend, lilyand I met in that group.
Second, school has experiencedteachers to direct our volunteer work. Thevolunteer group that I mentioned before has two tutors to help us prepare thecontent of our teaching. That’s why our work is so efficient and effective.


31.     艺术家和音乐家是否对社会有好处。
Personally, I think the society benefits a lotfrom artists and musicians. First, with the improvement of living standard,modern people spend lots of time on leisure activities. To go to museum orconcert does help people get an improvement in their mental life.
Second, artists even help society to uniteduring difficult times. For example, during the great depression, lots ofAmerican artists painted scenes that glorified American values, such as wholesome lifestyle in countryside. It didstrengthen people’s faith in their country.
| 'lɪːʒər /'leʒə] ||'rɪːdʒənəlɪzm] ||'peɪntɪd] [sɪːn] 'həʊlsəm]
32.    三个activities选择一个说 children communications,planning in garden,第三个打扫城市某地方的卫生。
I prefer to take part in childrencommunications and I have two reasons.
First, comparing to B and C, it has most fun to play with children. They areactive and full of creative ideas. My six years old nephew, Daniel, once toldme a story he made up, it’s about how a rabbit to find its leg. I have to admitwhen I listened to the story; it was like a wonderful journey. Second, it takespatience and love to company children. Therefore, takingpart in activities with children can help me to be a more considerate person.
33.    你认为小孩学习是应该到博物馆和动物园还是应该在教室。Somepeople think students should study in classroom and other believe they shouldvisit museum and zoo, which one do you like?
Personally, I thinkchildren should study in classroom, and I have two reasons. First, if theystudy in museum or zoo, children are easily distracted from the knowledge teachers really wantto tell them, because there are so many living, attractive things around them. Instead,if they stay at classroom, it’s easier for them to concentrate.
Second, I think in theprimary school, it’s more important to teach systematical knowledge becausescattered knowledge cannot help little kids to develop a way to organize whatthey learnt.
34.    Describe your favorite area in thecity/town you live in.
My favorite area in thecity is the city library. First of all, my friends and I go to the libraryfrequently since it provides not only books, magazines, but also big,comfortable sofa. The most important thing, it’s free. Therefore, it’s an idealplace for us students to get together. I have so many wonderful memories there.
Second, the library haseven more English novels than the one in my university since one famous citizendonated his collection to the library. As a big fun of English literature, itlikes a paradise for me.
35.    Do you prefer to ask an instructorwhen have a question or find answer in book or on the Internet?
Personally, I prefer the first choice and I have two reasons. First, it’smore efficient and effective to ask an instructor directly. Someone may argueGoogle is of high efficiency. However, clicking a mouse is only the first steptowards useful information. You have to screen them.
The second reason is you get more if you communicate with your instructor. For example, when I was writing a thesis, I went tofind my instructor. She not only answered my question but helped me reconstruct my thesis to make it more coherent. One question may lead to other topics.


36.    三个职业,professor ,journalism还有环境工作者里选一个,哪个最rewarding。
I think it’s most rewarding to be a journalist and I have two reasons.First, you can help others and feel good about yourself. I mean it’s pretty cool to protect theinterest of disadvantaged group in the society. Since journalists enjoy thefreedom of speech and their articles have a large amount of audiences, theproblem reported by them can easily catch people’s attention and be solved.
Also you can enjoy a life that is full of challenging and adventure. To bea journalist means go to the places others don’tgo, to reveal the problems others don’t pay attention to.
37.    你喜欢在public space people aroundyou 的情况下study 还是在private一个人的情况下study
Personally, I like the second option and I have two reasons. First, effectivestudy requires full concentration and if I study in public space, I am easilydistracted from my work. Even if I don’t talk to others, others would like totalk to me, for example, to borrow a pen or ask irrelevant questions. If Istudy alone, it’s easier for me to concentrate
Second, studying alone gives me chance to solveproblems independently. I mean, if I stay in public space, maybe withsome friends together, I may rely on them to solve my problem and it mayeventually hurt my study.
38.    Describe one of the difficulties inwhich you received help from your family, friends or classmates and please givespecific details to describe how their suggestion helped you.
During my second year in high school, I failed in chemistry middle termexam. I was depressed and my friend lily offered help. First, she told mebesides taking notes in class, I had to review them frequently. She helped me to re-organize my notes in a more systematicway after class, so I could understand the content of class better.
Also, she encouraged me to join a study group since it was more efficientand effective when learning in a group Every Friday; we revised each other’shomework and discussed questions. I got a B plus in the final.
39.    The most important influences thatyoung adults have are from their families.
I think families influence young adults’ life attitude most, such as yourunderstanding of career and love. For example, my mom is journalist cuz sheloves writing and journalists can protect the interests of disadvantaged groupin society, the problems reported by them can easily catch people’s attentionand be solved. Although she doesn’t make big money andis extremely busy sometimes, my dad is always supportive. Actually hedoes most housework. It is my mom tells me that job is related to personalsatisfaction rather than money while my dad shows me love means tolerant andunderstanding.
40.    你的朋友要搬家,问你怎么characterize 一个好的邻居。
Personally, I thinkhospitality is one of the most significant qualities for a neighbor. Other thanyour family, neighbors are the nearest peoplearound you. If they are kind and glad to offer help, it creates warm atmospherefor us.
For instance, this onetime, I was on a vocation. There was something wrong with the electric wires in my house and my house caught fire.It was my neighbor who called the 911 immediately and the firefighters put outthe fire quickly. Therefore, it didn’t causevery serious consequences. I really appreciate their help and we got toknow each other better.
'ætmə‚sfɪə] ||‚hɑspɪ'tælətɪ /‚hɒs-] ['waɪə(r)]


41.    父母应不应该involved in 子女的career选择上。
I don’t think parentsshould be involved in children’s choice of career and I have two reasons.First, one’s career is closely related to personal satisfaction; therefore, ifyou don’t choose the job for your own good, it’shard to persist when there are difficulties. One of my friends quitted in thesecond year of college since it was her parents to let her major in journalismwhile she always loves music. Second, parents makechoice based on their own experiences; however, as time goes by, theirexperiences maybe outdated. I mean there are new jobscreated every year due to the new demands, parents are not aware of this.
42.    What advice you will give to yourforeign friends, if they want to attend university in your country?
I’m from Chinaand I have two significant suggestions for foreign students studying here.
First, since it’sa country with a population of 1.3 billion people, please get used to crowdsand limited space. There are always traffic jams and the long lines when you'reshopping. Don’t get upset if you or your car is moving slowly.
Second, Due tothe differences between western and eastern education systems, most Chineseuniversities put much of the emphasis on academic success. So maybe you’dbetter spend less time on leisure activities and more time on study
43.    Do you prefer to have friends whoshare the same ideas with you, or have friends who perceive the world in adifferent way from you?
I’m not sayingthat each of my friends views this world wearing the same pair of glasses, butI do believe it’s more important to have friends withsimilar ideas.
First, it canavoid conflicts, I once had a friend who wanted me to help him cheat in anexam; I refused because that was not how I live. Hewas mad at me and we could never be friends anymore. It’s better off with a friend who also believes honest isimportant.
And also, afriend with similar life attitude understands me better. When I get through thetough spots in life, they can offer both emotional and technical support.
44.    parent need to make sure theirchildren lead healthy lives, what can parents do to help their children havehealthy lifestyles
I think two aspects mustbe considered. First is the daily diet. Make sure that your children could eatvarious fresh fruits and vegetables every day. and strictly limit the time your kids visit the fast food restaurants like BurgerKing cuz their high-caloriefoods, which is bad for healthy.
Second we should careabout the time kids spent on exercise. Please encourage your children to take part in after school activities, like joininga football team, or swimming for an hour.
A healthy diet andsufficient exercise could be very beneficial for your children’s health.
45.    some university students choose totake difficult classes even if they know might not get a good grade, othersprefer to take easier classes in which they know they will get a good grade.
Personally, Iprefer the first option cuz I think the most amazing part for learning isknowledge rather than credits. For example, I love philosophy and I read a lotphilosophical books due to my interest. In fact, l think all of these books dohelp to open my mind and think deeper and more comprehensively about the worldwe live in.
Therefore, Ichoose several courses dealing with philosophy, even though sometimes the examsand assignments are desperately difficult for me to get a decent grade, itdoesn’t matter, cuz I choose to do it for my own good.
|| 'diːsnt] [greɪd]


46.    What personal quality do you admiremost? Creativity, courage or intelligence? Explain why? Please include detailsand examples in your response
I admirecreativity the most and I have two reasons. First, thanks to creativity, ourlife is more interesting. For instance, we are surrounded by advertisementstoday; the ability of thinking outside the box is the original impetus makingone advertisement memorable to the audience. Creative advertisements notonly promote products but also provide unique perspective to view the world.
Second, the worldis progressivebecause of creativity. Without it, we wouldn’teven have telephones, not to mention the computers, internet, and this test Iam taking now cannot be conducted online as well.
|| 'ɪmpɪtəs] || əd'vɜːtɪsmənt|] 'memərəbl] [prə'gresɪv]
47.    Some people prefer to listen tomusic while they are studying or working. Others prefer to stay in a quietplace while they are studying or working. Which way do you prefer and why?Include reasons and details in your response.
I prefer studying orworking in a quiet place cuz effective learning requires full concentration.When I relax, I do appreciate the company of music, especially the good olddays style. However, if I am working, this kind of soft and comfort music makes me want to sleep. And sometimes, I am distracted from mywork. one time, I downloaded about 20 new released songs and wanted to write mythesis on one side and listen to them on the other side. However, when Ifinished all the songs, I found I even didn’t finish the first paragraph of mythesis!
48.    Describe an object you rely on inyour daily life
I rely on mylaptop in several aspects of life. First, it makes my study more efficient. SayI want to search the literature of ‘American Urban Development’, all I need todo is to log on the e-library of my university and download the literature.Without the assistance of laptop, I have to go to the library and bury mecouple of days in the tons of book. When it turns to everyday life, you knowhow popular social media like twitter and facebook today, I like makingcomments on my friends photos, articles and updating my own status.   
|| 'berɪ] || 'stætəs
49.    When you have challenges, do youlike to solve it by yourself or find somebody else helps you?
Personally, I like thesecond option and here is a good example. When I was learning computer science,the subject, back in collage, I was depressed cuz it was really difficult. Iturned to my friend lily for help. She offered my both emotional and technicalsupport. I clearly remember how she taught me to use Excel to draw graphs and analyze statistics. Also, during break, we talkedabout each other’s life and dream and we got much closer. Therefore, askingsomeone else for help usually can solve the problem more efficiently andeffectively. Moreover, it strengthens your friendship.
50.    说出study in group 的好处,至少一点好处。包含原因细节。
There are at least twoadvantages for studying in group. First, one can learn more knowledge andskills; second, it can strengthen your friendship. Here is a good example. WhenI was studying physics in high school, we found a study group. Every week, eachmember prepared 10 questions and was responsible to explain the answers.Therefore, with this sharing spirit, one can learn more than studying alone.Moreover, since one had to explain the answers,it perfected presentation skills. Also, I always remember during break, wetalked about each other’s lives and dreams. We got much closer.



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