请前辈指教一下我的 career goal (supply chain management) 是否合理。
其实前辈们应该对我这个“全军覆没“有点印象了吧。至今top20连interview 也没有。先谢谢大家的意见。
总结了一下,主要就是career goal的问题,可能以前的不太make sense,也不能和自己的工作经验联系起来。
千思万考之后,想再问大家,对以下这个career goal 怎么看?
普通美本,Computer Science, GPA 2.92. Calculus II - A (学校好像会问)
Gmat: 740 Q50, V39, AWA5.5, IR 5. (好像挺高,但是McCombs 连看也不看一眼。)
工作:15人小公司的general manager。Retail 行业,有五家分店。任内把公司从一家店子扩充到五家,在Product and services 方面也做了挺大的改变,也写了一些程序来管理inventory, customer, purchase order 之类。在这公司做了四年半。很多东西都是自己东摸西摸学习尝试的,没有什么hard skill, 始终不是business 本科毕业。。。
目标: 从小公司转到大公司.
Short Term – Becoming a supply chain analyst
Reason: While leading the retail business, I spent a significant amount of time in developing its merchandising department. I have seen some parts of the supply chain operation, from wholeseller, to retailer, to customer. I want to bring this experience and combine with the hard skills and knowledge I am going to learn from a MBA program, to become a supply chain analyst in a large retail corporation.
Long Term - Senior supply chain manager in multinational corporation's China Division
Reason: 国内的retail market and consumer product market 发展得越来越快。所也对retail supply chain professional 也应该有比较大的机会吧。
对于我的career goal大家可否给给意见? 再一次谢谢了!!! |