When the history of women
began to receive focused attention
in the 1970’, Eleanor Roosevelt Line was one of a handful of female
(5) Americans who were well known
to both historians and the general public. Despite the evidence that
she had been important in social-
reform circles before her husband
(10) was elected President and that
she continued to advocate differ- ent causes than he did, she held a place in the public imagination largely because she was the wife (15) of a particularly influential Presi- dent. Her own activities were seen as preparing the way for her
husband’s election or as a com- plement to his programs. Even
(20) Joseph Lash’s two volumes of Sympathetic biography, Eleanor and Franklin (1971) and Eleanor: The Years Alone (1972), reflected this assumption. (25)
Lash’s biography revealed a
L的传记把夫人写成一个复杂的女人, Complicated woman who sought
Through political activity both to
flee inner misery and to promote
causes in which she passionately
(30) believed. However, she still appeared to be an idiosyncratic figure, somehow self-generated not amenable to any generalized explanation. She emerged from (35) the biography as a mother to the entire nation, or as a busybody. but hardly as a social type, a figure comprehensible in terms of broader social developments. (40)
But more recent work on the feminism of the post-suffrage years (following 1920) allows us to see Roosevelt in a different light and to bring her life into a (45) more richly detailed context. Lois
Scharf’s Eleanor Roosevelt, written
In 1987, depicts a generation of Privileged women, born in the late Nineteenth century and maturing (50) in the twentieth, who made the
transition from old patterns of female association to new ones. Their views and their lives were full
Of contradictions. They maintained
(55) female social networks but began
to integrate women into mainstream politics; they demanded equal
treatment but also argued that
women’s maternal responsibilities (60) made them both wards and repre- sentatives of the public interest. Thanks to Scharf and others,
Roosevelt’s activities—for exam-
ple, her support both for labor laws
(65) protecting women and for appoint- ments of women to high public office—have become intelligible in terms of this social context rather than as the idiosyncratic career of a famous man’s wife.
Q 25: Which of the following studies would proceed in a
way most similar to the way in which, according to the passage. Scharf’s book interprets Eleanor
Roosevelt’s career? A.
An exploration of the activities of a wealthy
social reformer in terms of the ideals held
by the reformer
A history of the leaders of a political party
which explained how the conflicting aims
of its individual leaders thwarted and
diverted the activities of each leader
An account of the legislative career of a conservative senator which showed his goals to
have been derived from a national conservative movement of which the senator was
a part
A biography of a famous athlete which
explained her high level of motivation in terms
of the kind of family in which she grew up
A history of the individuals who led the movement to end slavery in the United States which
attributed the movement’s success to the
efforts of those exceptional individuals
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